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After rushing to get and look semi-presentable, I practically had to run and sneak out of the house in the morning so that I could get into Nik's car the next morning without being interrogated by the Salvatore brother's. Other than a few snippy comments, Damon was still ignoring me. Stefan was so busy plotting against Nik that he wasn't even planning on going into class today.

"Good morning, love," Nik greeted with a bit of a smirk on his face as I got into his car and kissed his cheek, "You look stressed about something. Is there anything I can do to help? Maybe someone I should kill? Something I could buy you?"

"I'm fine, Nik." I replied after laughing a bit at what he said to me. "Honestly, I just want to go to school and get today over with."

"Today you're so eager for class and yesterday you were begging me via text to pick you up early because you couldn't stand anything about that place."

"Yes, but yesterday I was not eager to leave their house as I am now."

He nodded slowly but left the subject alone, obviously noticing that I wasn't very happy to be talking about this in the first place. He kept driving and I looked over at him from the corner of my eye. It was no secret that he was attractive. But if my friends were right, then he was also the most powerful creature on the face of the earth and I couldn't deny that this fact was part of his appeal. I bit my lip softly and checked him out a bit, not even noticing how obvious I was being until I saw the smirk etching across his face.

"It's a good thing I know I could defend myself. If I couldn't, then that hungry look on your face would be making me very nervous." He teased, "You look like you're just about ready to take a bite."

"Maybe I am." I teased back, a bit embarrassed that I had gotten caught staring at him.

"Did you receive the invitation to my family's ball? I had a lackey of mine bring it over to the house after I left." He asked, easily changing the subject when he noticed that I wasn't too happy with the way that the conversation was currently going.

"Yeah, I was actually going to send in my rsvp later tonight, but now that you're here, I'm assuming you'll do me the favor and send in the message for me."

"I'd love to." He replied while still speeding down to school so he could drop me off. We were almost there and I wasn't happy that I would be getting out of his car in a few moments. "Is it safe to assume that you're going to be my date? Or do I need to ask someone else?"

"Do you even have anyone else to ask?" I teased while braiding my hair since I didn't have time to do it while I was still in the house.

"Well, if I really need too, I could compel myself a date. But that's only if Damon has already managed to change your mind about me."

"If you've really been able to compel yourself a date all this time, why haven't you just compelled me to be your date?"

"The way I figure it, if I compel you to be my date, then ever more people will have more reasons to want me dead."

"Who would want you dead?" I teased a bit.

"I'm sure by now you've figured out that the Salvatore's are not very fond of me. Hell, I'm sure by now you've been told why. Haven't you?"

"You're right. They gave me a very long lecture last night about my choices and that you're apparently taking advantage of me." I said teasingly, shrugging a bit since I still didn't feel that way, "Apparently since you're the big, bad hybrid original, I should be scared of you."

"You're not scared of me? At all?"


"Do you think you should be scared of me?"

"Well, you haven't tried to kill me yet so I'd say we're off to a good start."

"It would be a shame to kill someone as gorgeous as you."

"Wow, you're such a charmer. I'm surprised no one has taken you off the market yet."

"I could say the same about you." He parked at the school and I looked over at him, "You're definitely single, right?"

"Yes, Nik. I definitely am. I actually came over here because my boyfriend and I broke up. I was hoping that seeing my friends would make me feel better."

"But instead they're making you feel bad for hanging around someone like me? Because I'm always the bad guy? Always the villain." He mumbled, making me bite my lip.

"Nik, I like you. As much as I care about them, they aren't in any position to control me or tell me what to do." I could hear the bell ringing from inside the school which meant all of the students had to start going to class.

"I'll be here at three to pick you up. We could go back to my place and I'll pretend to be tutoring you." He suggested, making me roll my eyes playfully.

"I'll see you soon." I leaned in to kiss his cheek and as I did, he slid his fingers under my chin and pressed his lips to mine.

I blushed once he did and I kissed back softly, pulling away after a few moments. I knew if Damon found out about this, he would be even more furious and murderous than he already was.

"You should get to class. I'd hate for you to be late." He said, making me laugh as he was still smirking while his face was close to mine.

"Fine." I grabbed my bag and got out of the car, rushing towards the school building only to be stopped when Caroline pinned me against the wall.

"Ashley!" She began in a scolding tone that I was already not very fond of, "what was that? Did you just kiss Klaus? That is not okay! He's the bad guy, remember?"

"First of all, he kissed me. Secondly, I'm a big girl. I'm old enough to decide for myself whether or not he's really the bad guy."

"I don't know why you seem to find this hard to understand but, he is the bad guy. You don't need extra time to decide that for yourself when we all already know what this guy is capable of."

"What makes you so sure about that?"

"He's been abusing Elena for his blood so that he could build his creepy little army of sired hybrids." She said matter-of-factly as I slid away from her to go to my locker and grab my books while she walked beside me.

"What does that have to do with me? He's been a sweetheart to me."

"Of course he has. You're hot and he seems to like blondes."

"Why do you hate Nik so much?" I asked, not really understanding why she felt this way as well.

"Because he's abusing my best friend, and Tyler is sired to him. Also, he's the most powerful thing in like, ever. And, because he abuses that power, I'm pretty sure he has tried to kill all of us at least once by now. He needs to be killed or he'll just go after all of us again and again until he gets what he wants."

"Listen, Nik-"

"-please don't call him Nik, please. At least not in my presence. It makes him sound like less of the asshole that he actually is."

"Then what should I call him?" I asked and I closed my locker and started walking down the hall to the chemistry class that we shared, "I feel weird calling him Klaus. He introduced himself to me as Nik." I shrugged a bit.

"Is this part of some weird bad boy fetish that you're taking a part of?" She whined as we sat beside each other at the back of the class, "Because if it is, you should just go after Damon. At least he won't murder your whole family one day."

"Speaking of Damon, he can't know about this."

"Are you kidding me? He is the first person that should know about this. He's the best person to stage your intervention."

"If Damon finds out, he'll feel like I betrayed him. He'll freak out and try to kill Nik." I explained, rolling my eyes when I saw her raising an eyebrow because I said Nik instead of Klaus.

"If Damon wants to kill Klaus, we should encourage it. Even if Klaus doesn't get killed at that moment, Damon will get the beating of a lifetime. Maybe they both need to get put into their place."

"They do. They're both arrogant, cocky, and convinced that they're the toughest person in the world. But if anyone is going to knock them down a few notches, it will be me."

AN: I'm going to be posting one or two chapters a day since these chapters aren't that long.

Still, I hope you leave me some comments and let me know how you like it!!!

The Devil Takes Care of His OwnOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz