Leah laughed. "Well, okay. I'll just call my parents and let them know." She went into the hallway.

I kissed Lycy's forehead and set her down on the ground while I made the tea. Leah came back a few minutes later.

"They're cool with it," she said.

"I like your outfit," I smiled. I really liked Leah. Actually, I loved Quinn's whole family. They were like family to me and Austin.

"Thanks!" She was wearing a neon green t-shirt that made her green eyes pop with a black vest, jean shorts, and black biker boots. Her brown hair was pulled back into a long curly ponytail. Same style as her sister, in general, although Quinn had way more piercings. Leah also had her nose pierced like Quinn.

Leah picked Lucy up and sat her on her lap while I brought the tea to the table. "So how's school going?"

"It's alright," Leah said. "I'm not really a big fan of most of my teachers, but the classes are okay. Math is my favourite."

"Mine too!" I said. "Well, it was. I guess I'm not in school anymore."

"At least I've got my softball," she laughed.

"I didn't know you played softball."

"Yeah, I've been playing my whole life, almost. I'm hoping to get a scholarship."

"That'd be awesome," I agreed.

Leah hesitated. "There is one little problem I'm having."

"Guy troubles?" I guessed.

"Is it that obvious?"

"No, I just guessed," I admitted. "Although I kind of figured. What's up?"

"So, I like this guy. His name is Bryce, and he's in three of my classes. Sometimes I think he likes me too, but my friend Jenna likes him a lot, and when Jenna sets her sights on a guy, you're better off not even looking at him. Technically, she liked him first, but if he likes me too, which I think he does, shouldn't I just go for it? I mean, it's not my fault he likes me and not Jenna! But she might hate me after, and our friendship will be shot to hell, and I just don't know what I should do!" She took a deep breath at the end of her rant.

"Wow," I said after she was done.

"Yeah, I know. My love life is messed up."

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Please." She nodded.

"Well, I wasn't great in the guy department when I was in high school. Ask anybody, and I mean anybody. But based on past experience and seeing other people go through it, I'd say talk to Jenna about it first. Just flat out tell her, but don't let a guy come in between your friendship. Ask yourself what's more important: a guy, or your friend."

"Sound reasonable. But what if she gets mad at me and doesn't want to be friends anymore?" Lucy reached out and grabbed Leah's finger.

"If she's really your friend, she'll get over it and be happy for you," I laughed lightly. "I know it's not the best advice."

"It's the best advice I've gotten. Quinn just told me to go for it and to not care what Jenna thinks. Thanks Emily," Leah smiled.

"No problem."

Austin sleepily shuffled into the kitchen, his hair everywhere, in sweats, and shirtless, like usual. Leah blushed, and I giggled.

"Sorry, I can't help it," she whispered with a smile.

He caught sight of us. "Hey Ems, hey Leah," he said huskily. I swear, boys with sleepy voices is the sexiest shit ever.

Leah waved. "How you feeling?" I asked.

"Better than before."

I stood up and walked to the stove to pour him the soup. "Here, eat this."

"Thanks," he smiled lightly. He really did look like hell, for lack of a better word.

He sat down at the table and reached out to stroke Lucy's cheek. "Hey, sweetie. I would kiss you, but I don't want you sick."

She clapped her hands and bent her head back to look at Leah, who laughed. Lucy shrieked in response.

Austin whistled before breaking down into a coughing fit. "What'd I say about whistling for the dog while you're sick?" I scolded, hands on my hips.

"Not to do it," my boyfriend muttered after his coughing subsided.


Pancakes trotted into the room and set her head in Austin's lap. He scratched her ears. "Hey girl."

Leah checked her watch. "I'd better get going. Mom's expecting me back to watch Sheridan," she set Lucy down and stood up. "Thanks for the tea and talk, Emily."

"Anytime," I smiled. "Come over whenever."

"Will do," she grinned before grabbing her keys. "See you guys later. Bye Luce!"

"See you, Leah," I said. "Thanks again!"

"Later," Austin croaked. She waved and headed into the hallway. The front door opened and closer a moment later.

"That was nice of her to bring Lucy back," Austin commented.

"Yeah, it was." I checked my watch. "Awesome, it's five. My Little Pony is on, it'll keep her occupied." I scooped Lucy up and brought her to the living room and turned on the TV to the right channel.

Austin sauntered in a few minutes later. "I'll watch her; I'll be on the couch anyways."

"Perfect, I'm going for a shower then." I hurried upstairs.

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