Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Maura’s pov

"I'm going to make some soup, while I got my phone in my pocket. I-I-I put in some random vegetables, this is fucking jummy" I hear Harry sing while Zayn and Dani are having a discussion about her saying that we're 'cute'. I open my eyes to see them sticking tongues out to each other.

"My tongue is bigger" Dani says.

"No, mine is like twenty-four times bigger than yours" Zayn says.

"No, dude, mine is the biggest"

"So? My tongue still twenty-four times bigger that your 'biggest' tongue"

"Why are you two so weird?" I ask.

"Holy fuck!" Jessie and Niall scream again.

"Heart attack, again, thanks" El says.

"Maura, who's tongue is bigger, Zayn's or mine?" Dani asks me while they both stick their tongues out to me.

"Mine" I say doing the same.

"Fine, you win"

"I know"

"You're feeling better?" Zayn asks me.

Auw, he is so cute, he care’s so much, even though I feel like shit.

"Still horrible, but I don't really care" I say smiling.

Where did all this energy came from? I feel horrible, and hyperactive, that's a weird combination.

"Los Harry-os is making-os soup-os" Harry says.

"Good-os, Harry-os"


"Zayn you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you don't really flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tel. You do actually know-oh-oh. You do know you’re fucking gorgeous”

Isn’t this that the prettiest song ever? I've just wrote it for my little pretty boy. It will probably mean a lot to him, because is indeed is fucking gorgeous.


"We're going to have some soup while we're sitting at the table. I-I-I like soup, like I like Maura, she is fucking awesome" Zayn sings after he got up.

"Zayn, that was so beautiful, peanut butter is nothing compared to that little song"

"Thank you that means a lot to me" Zayn says acting like he's crying while 'holding' his heart.

"You're welcome, pretty boy” I get up and hug Zayn while he gives me a peck on my cheek.

"Now…. kiss!" Louis yells.

We both ignore him and walk to the table.

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