Chapter Twenty-Two

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so I wrote a really long, and verry important AN, but someone *cough* WATTPAD *cough* is hating me and didn't want tp save&publish it, so here it is AGAIN...

Chapter Twenty-Two

Maura’s pov

Oh Zayn, you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind, hey Zayn, hey-hey, hey Zayn hey!

Damn, I'm sush a singer. Why can't I sell out arenas?

Haha, probably cause you can’t sing Maura

Oh no, my whole life plan is ruined. Haha just kidding.

I need to make a new video, why not do it now right? Gosh, why am I as happy as a girl who just met One Direction? Fuckl I owe Casper a hundred pounds... Stupid Casper, why did we make that bet? If Zayn wasn’t this cute life would be so much easier.  

Maura, stop Zayn-thinking, start recording.

"Haiya people from the internet who are staring at a computer screen. I would like to say... five second dance party!" I say to the camera and start dancing.

"Now I think about it... being a YouTuber is really weird. I talk to a camera, post that on the internet and some random people enjoy it. Oh well, I kind of earn money with this, so I don't mind…”


"So, people from the internet, this was Maura Isles live, not exactly live, but you know what I mean, byeeee" I say before I stop recording.

Alright, let’s edit this, cause probably ninety-nine percent is horrible. Let’s see how embarrassing I am.


"I've been spending all my time

Just thinking about you

I don't know what to do

Patient Love - z.m.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang