Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Yo, I'm posting the first chapter of my new fanfic, called Black Keys, THIS Friday. Make sure to check it out, vote, spam, lick, cry, roll over the ground, and go to the cinema to see This Is Us (:


Chapter Thirty-Eight

Maura’s pov

Ibiza, here we come! This is going to be so awesome. Just me and Casper and loads of other people I don't know, which means I don't have to be afraid to see Zayn or the other boys.

"Come you fat ass" I say waiting for Casper.

"This is my first cup of coffee, chill"

"Well, this is my first cup of hot chocolate so you chill"

"Shut up, I'm here now, be happy"

"This is going to be so amazing!" I say poking Casper’s cheek.

"Geez, since when are you a morning person?"

"I'm not, I'm excited"

"You got to be kidding me"

"Stop the sarcasm and be happy"


Casper’s pov

Maura has never been a morning person. Where did all this energy come from? It's five o'clock in the morning and she can't even shut up about how exited she is. I love her, but can I please get some duct tape to close her mouth? I have to admit that I'm happy that she isn't all down about the Zayn thing anymore. Because she acted like hell the first couple of weeks. But now, after three months, she's finally herself again. I personally think it's bummer that she also broke contact with the others, because she and Jessie were becoming really good friends and that's just... gone. I just wish I could tell Maura what really happened, and that she would believe me, but I don't think she will. Even if Zayn would tell her, she just doesn’t want to believe it, I guess.


Zayn’s pov

I look at my alarm clock again. Wow five minutes have passed. It's six am and I still can't sleep. I really don’t want to go on that date tonight with Alice, I mean she’s nice, but she’s not Maura…

I grab my phone and check twitter.


@MarcusButler "NOT FAIR, @Mauraaa and @Casperrr is going to Ibiza and I'm suck here, in rainy london :("

I totally forgot. Maura is probably on her plane right now. She told me she would leave really early. I hope she has some fun there. I know it sounds weird but I just want the best for her. I don't like her to be down of what she thought she saw. Oh well, I just hope that one day, when we're maybe old and we see each other in the supermarket, or something like that, I just hope I could tell her the truth then. She has to know what really happened. I'd love to tell her as soon as possible, but I can't. It's just too... I don't know. I think I still like her too much, to tell her what really happened. And when she would see me she would probably kill me before I could even tell her, so that's not going to work. I hope that ‘date’ with Alice will distract me from Maura.

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