Austin started laughing. "I saw it. It was really good."

"I'm still mad at you for sneaking up on me like that, but that helped me do a cartwheel, so whatever!" I exclaimed as I threw my arms around his neck.

He hugged me back. "Let's see you do it again."

"I probably just had beginner's luck," I said but I went to the other side of the room anyway. I managed to do one again.

Austin clapped. "Nah, I think you've got it. Is that what you've been doing up here for the last two hours?"

"Yeah, I got bored." I slipped my shoes back on.

"Come downstairs," Austin told me.

"Is supper ready?"

"Just come downstairs."

I looked at him curiously, but followed him downstairs anyways. When we got to the kitchen, I found Taylor, Justin, Zach, Robert, Alex and my mom in there surrounded by a table full of food. My mom was holding Lucy, who was awake. "Surprise! Happy birthday!" They all shouted.

I grinned at all of them. "You guys did all of this for me?"

"Of course! But it was all Austin's idea," my mom said.

I had the best boyfriend ever, hands down.

"When did you guys get here? I didn't even hear you come in. And when did Lucy get up?"

"Maybe an hour ago. And she got up like, twenty minutes ago," Taylor said. She hugged me. "Happy birthday, girlfriend!"

I laughed. "Thanks, T." I looked at the food. "This looks delicious."

"Austin made it," Alex told me. "He's quite the chef."

Austin blushed. "I'm no expert, but I try."

I hugged him around his waist. "You did great. Thank you, all of you. This is the best birthday ever."

We all ate, and it was pretty funny watching Alex trying to feed Lucy and himself at the same time. He accidentally fed himself Lucy's food a couple of times.

When we finished eating, my mom, Taylor, Austin, and Zach cleaned up while Alex and I watched Lucy in the living room.

"Good birthday, Ems?" Alex asked me.

"It was great," I told him as I scooped Lucy up onto my lap.

"She sure looks like you," Alex smiled at Lucy, who was sucking her fist. "Except for the light brown hair."

"Yeah, I figured she'd be light brown." I peppered her cheek with kisses. "She's my mini Austin."

"I can tell you one thing. That girl's going to be a beauty when she gets older," Alex said. "Guys will be all over her."

"Don't tell Austin that," I giggled. "He'll freak."

"Don't tell me what?" Austin said as the other four strolled into the living room. He sat down beside me on the couch and Lucy crawled onto his lap.

"That, uh, Lucy took your other chain and now I don't know where she put it," I quickly said.

"She what?" He bent down and looked at Lucy. "Where is it, missy? Did you take my chain?" He teased her. She giggled and kicked her legs in his lap.

"I'll find it somewhere," I told my boyfriend. That was close.

"Present time!" My mom said happily before handing me one. "This is from me."

I opened it to find a new dress and some jeans from Forever 21, and quite a bit of money. "Thanks Mom," I smiled. "I love it."

Taylor got me a new hot pink sweater from Pink and the Justin got me a picture of himself in a frame decorated with macaroni noodles, which I promised I would hang up in our bedroom.

"You ready for mine?" Austin was practically bouncing in his seat, causing Lucy to bounce with him. It was quite a hilarious sight, to be honest.

"Yes," I laughed.

He handed Lucy to Robert, and hurried out of the room before coming back with a purple box. He handed it to me. "Happy birthday, Ems."

I smiled and ripped the wrapping paper off. When I opened the box, I gasped. "No. Freaking. Way." I squealed and whipped out the pair of gorgeous boots. They were knee high, brown with a four inch heel, and real leather. They also had a buckle around the top. "I've wanted these for months!"

Austin grinned. "Remember that time your mom was babysitting Lucy and we stopped at the mall to get her a new stroller after my concert?" I nodded. "Well, after you finished ranting about how amazing those boots were and went off to the washroom, I may have snuck off and paid for them."

"But how did I not see them?"

"I hid them in the box that was holding the stroller before you got back from the washroom, and when we got home, I quickly ran upstairs and hid them somewhere else before you opened the stroller box," he announced. "I'm pretty proud, if I do say so myself."

I shook my head. "You, sir, are full of surprises," I jumped up and hugged him. "But thank you, I love them!"

"Smart thinking, Austin," my mom commented. "I would've never thought of that."

"Thanks," he smiled.

"I may or may not break into your house and borrow those when you're not home," Taylor spoke up. "Like I said, may or may not."

"If you ask, I may or may not let you wear them," I told her with a raised eyebrow. "Like I said, may or may not."


After everyone left, Austin put Lucy down for her nap before coming back downstairs to where I was wearing my new sweater, jeans, and boots. He laughed as soon as he looked at me. "That didn't take long."

I surveyed my outfit. "I think I look pretty hot."

"Oh, trust me, you look better than hot," he came over and wrapped his arms around me. "You look beautiful."

I smiled and kissed him. "Thanks."

"Happy birthday, Ems."

New Beginnings {ACM}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora