14; christmas day I

Start from the beginning

"I'll leave you alone." Casey muttered. She made her way downstairs and I noticed the coldness in the room that was coming in from behind me. Dammit, she didn't shut the door.

I faced up to the ceiling again, staring blankly at the old McFly poster. Though I was looking at it, I wasn't focusing properly, because I was too busy thinking too much and driving myself insane.

I had so many wonderful memories of Mother and I in my head. Around this time of year, we'd sit by the fireplace with our mugs of hot chocolate and she'd tell me stories about when she was my age or she'd ask how my day was and how school was going and then question whether or not I was behaving.

In the midst of my thoughts, I heard Karen come upstairs. I always knew it was her because her footsteps are slightly louder than Casey's, and she practically runs up the stairs, unlike dad.

I glanced outside my door, where I saw her walk past without even glancing to me. She had the telephone put to her ear, so no wonder.

I heard her bedroom door shut and then hushed voices that I had to strain my ears to get the slightest bit of coherent speech.

"Hello, dear. How are you?" She asked. Dear? Who the hell was she talking to? Oh god, she isn't having an affair is she?

"Seems like we're a bit in a pickle about you know what, and I'd be thankful if you could come over." I could barely hear it, but I think that was what she said.

The rest of the conversation consisted of her asking if it was okay for the mystery person to visit, especially as it was Christmas Day, and whoever she was on the phone to must have people they'd rather share the holiday with.

It went silent and I heard her bedroom door open again. She walked past, but this time she took a glance and stood still by the doorway of my bedroom.

"Flynn, darling, don't you want to come downstairs and open your presents? We're all waiting for you." She asked and came inside the room. I noticed an envelope in her hand that was signed to me.

"This is the first of your presents, and it's from me. Your father wasn't very happy about me getting you this." She smiled. I tried to smile, but it seemed as if my lips were stitched together and smiling wasn't an option. Karen left the envelope on my bedside table that was already cluttered with a bunch of Ember's toys and wires for my lamp and phone.

Walking over to my window, she opened the curtains a little, only to reveal snow, and lots of it too. "I'm up for attacking your father with snowballs if you are."

"No thanks." I sighed and tugged on my bed covers. She closed the curtains again and sat on the edge of the bed, careful to not sit in Ember's tail, and ran her hands through my hair in a motherly fashion and pecked my check before getting up and leaving again, but not before wiping off the lipstick she accidentally got on my skin.

She closed the door behind her and once again, I was left to my thoughts. Ember even cuddled up to me after some time passed, her entire body was practically on me, but I didn't seem to mind. Her constant attention seeking and whimpering was weirdly enough quite soothing.

"I'm angry at you." I told her, "you chose to hug Ben when he didn't deserve it."

She just looked up at me with those huge beady eyes of hers and even tilted her head in little in confusion.

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