Birth of a vampyre~1~

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I've always had an affinity for the moon, even before I became what I am. It's hard to explain what happened to me and yet I feel it is time that I share my story.

It was so long ago that I'm not even sure if I can remeber everything clearly. Who am I kidding I can't forget things even if I try. I guess I should explain that I am a vampyre.

I wasn't always a vampyre, but being human is the one thing that I really truley can't remember clearly. It's like trying to look through glass that is all fogged up, even if you wipe

away the fog it still remains a little. I know that I was born in what is considered the AD period and that my mother was the priestess of our village. I think I might have even had


But that isn't the story that I am trying to tell. I need to keep my head clear, but I haven't eaten in so long. I was around 16 and betrothed to someone.....I really can't remember

him at all. I remember that I dispised him beyond anything I had ever encountered in my short yet full life. He was so different from me. I didn't want attention ever and

that was all he craved. I know that he had his father come to my mother and request my hand. At that time I was in training under my mother so I couldn't be wed yet. He

threw a fit and daddy threatened to ban my entire family if I didn't go through with it. Although my mother had a lot of pull in the village she couldn't go against

the chief. Oh yes he was the chief's son, I remember now. God how I hated him. He wasn't a bad looking guy I suppose, but he was spoiled rotten. I preferred the wilderness and

he preffered the glam life. What a fool.

It was a week before my wedding and I was depressed to put it lightly. Every night I escaped into the woods to be alone. About a mile from my village there was a waterfall.

When the moonlight shone on the water it was like a perfect glass mirror. The sky didn't end or begin when you looked into that deep pool. So it was a night like any other.

I walked to my private mirror and stripped down to nothing. I slowly made my way into the water without bothering to look around. This was my sacred place and I had

never been bothered here before. I can't even say that I felt something magical was going to happen that night or even dangerous.

So I slowly climbed into the water and just let my body relax. I was happy that I was alone. All the wedding plans were just making me feel so ill. I had finally started

to really relax and just be myself. I was laying on my back and just staring up at the moon when I heard a light chuckle.

"Who's there?" No answer came at all.

"I know someone is there come out and show yourself!" I refused to be scared. This was my place! I was the priestess in training! No one would dare fuck with me!

Or so I thought.

"I didn't mean to startle you little one" Came the most beautiful voice I had I ever heard.

"Who are you? Why don't you show yourself?"

"How rude of me to not introduce myself, but you looked so peaceful I didn't want to interupt. Besides the view is amazing." Came the voice.

"Excuse me?! I don't know who you are, but my betrothed will not like this at all."

"Awww what a fool he is to let you out of his sight for a second. If you were mine I would never leave you alone." I knew I should be mad, but I just couldn't. I

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