Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

Nathan's P.O.V

~ Two Months Later ~

"Mate you need come out of your room... you need to get over her." Max shouted while banging on my bedroom door, well his bedroom door.

After she left, I gave up on everything. I sold our apartment I moved in with Max and Michelle, not bearing to buy another apartment thinking maybe, just maybe she was going to come back. I threw all of her things, I changed my phone number.

I completely dropped her out of my life.

She had no right to be in it anymore, she's the one that left me in the first place. Our entire relationship was a lie, nothing more to it. I thought I loved her, I thought she was the one, I thought she was different. But it turns out that no one really is different.

But after all of this, I was never truly over her. I still wanted her in my arms, I wanted to kiss her, call her mine, tell her how beautiful she is. I wanted to protect her from the world. I eventually wanted to call her mine and only mine.

I wanted Sophie again.

~ Three Months Later ~

I felt anger going up my veins, my fists clenched together as Max stepped in front of Michelle. "What the hell do you mean she called you the day she left." I spat. Michelle sighed and stepped in front of Max and placed her hand on my cheek as a tear ran down her cheek. "Nathan please just sit down and I'll explain everything."

I stepped back and furiously walked into the living room I sat myself down on the couch as she sat opposite of me.

I was furious, angry, and most of all hurt. How could she have known this and not told me. I could've stopped Sophie from leaving. She could've been here with me and everything would've been alright.

"She called me when she was at the airport Nathan, there was nothing that I could've done. By the time we got to the airport she left, she left and there was nothing we could've done Nathan. We tried calling her when she got to New York, but she changed her number." she looked down and started playing with her fingers. She then looked back up at me and tears started swelling up.

"I'm sorry Nathan, all I was trying to do was protect her." She stood up and started walking towards the kitchen, I stood up behind her and yanked her back by her wrist. She yelled in pain and struggled to get out of my grasp.

"Nathan, stop! You're hurting me." she cried out.

I was pushed back and held against the wall by Max. "Don't you ever fucking touch Mich again." He spat, I pushed him back and furiously walked back into my room.

~ Five Months Later ~

My body relaxed into my bed as I stared at a picture of her. I missed her so much, I loved her so much and she gave up on us. We both went through so much shit just to be together, and just threw it all away.

I sighed and placed a picture of her inside my nightstand and walked out of my room. I slowly went down the steps, and finally reached the kitchen where Michelle and Nareesha were chatting away. However they were reading something on their laptop. Nareesha carefully turned the laptop to the side so I couldn't see the screen.

I sighed and shook my head as I walked towards the laptop and turned it around so that it was properly facing me. I inhaled a sharp breath, as it was a picture of Sophie, in some sort of fashion week. My eyes scanned over the caption.

Sophie Leigh attends London Fashion Week, wearing a beautiful violet Versace jumpsuit.

She was here, she was in the same city as me, I could've gone to see her, I could've made her mine again. I felt a warm hand place on top of mine. I looked up to see Nareesha looking at me, and giving me a slight smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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