Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

The day has finally came. They day where not only have I been waiting for, but the fans, family, friends and never less Max and Michelle. After countless months of planning, hard work and dedication, it was finally here.

The wedding.

I was currently in my own room, as everyone was staying at the same hotel. But the girls were in a separate penthouse from the guys. It was only eight in the morning, but preparations were just starting to begin. The actual wedding was taken place in the garden of this hotel, but the reception was in the dining hall, that the hotel provided.

I tied my hair into a bun, pulled on a sweatshirt and grabbed my phone and walked out of the room, and walked into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee, that was going to much needed for today. Once I walked in, Michelle was sitting there with a cup if tea in her hands and she was looking out the window.

'Morning." she turned around and gave me a half smile. But I couldn't help but notice the tears that were starting form in her eyes. I quickly rushed to her side,mot check if anything was wrong. I was standing directly in front of her when all of a sudden she bursts out in tears. I pulled her into my chest and try to soothe her.

"What's wrong Michelle." I said while rocking her back and fourth.

"it's just, I can't believe I'm actually getting married to the man of my dreams." I giggled and pulled her away so that she was looking directly at me.

"Well you better believe it, because in the matter of eight hours you are about to become Michelle George." she giggled and looked down while playing with her engagement ring.

"I know its just too good to be honest really."

"Good things happen to those who deserve it. " I mocked while going over to the coffee machine and making myself a cup.

"True, very true." she said while getting up and placing her mug in the sink. I propped myself onto the counter while she was scrolling through her phone."How do you manage to keep so calm, most people that I know are ready to kill anything."

"You've been watching too much 'Bridzilla' Soph." I giggled and gran the nearest thing to me, which happened to be a banana, and threw it behind me."Fuck off Soph." I stuck my tongue out and flipped her the finger.

"Okay now go take a shower. The stylist is gonna be here in a half an hour."

I groaned and jumped off the counter. "Remind me again, why there coming so early?"

"Because, we have to take a couple of shots for People magazine and stuff like that." I nodded my head and started making my way towards the shower and prepare myself for this day.

Michelle's P.O.V

I let out a breathe that I haven't realized that I've been holding in since she came in. Truth is I was a nervous wreck. Worlds can't describe how incredibly happy and excited I am for this wedding. Sure, I was probably really nervous right now. But at the end of the day, this will probably all be worth it.

I grabbed my laptop and decided that maybe tweeting for a little bit will get these nerves off me. I started scrolling down my mentions when I heard a beep, I looked up and saw that it was Sophie's phone that she left. I decided on ignoring it and continue doing on what I was doing.

@michkeegan-It's wedding day! :) x

I pressed tweet, and saw messages come flooding in telling me they were happy for me, some congrats, and other cute stuff like that.

Once, again Sophie's phone started buzzing off. This time it wouldn't stop, I decided on just answering the phone for her. I got off the stool, and walked towards the counter where her phone was. From here, I could see that someone was texting her and not calling her. I picked up her phone, and was not prepared for what I just said.

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