Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"Sophie, your so stupid." I groaned and threw my head back onto the seat. Jay and I were both on our way to meet everyone else at the dress boutique for my fitting. Litterley two minutes ago I told him about everyhting That happened between Nathan and I, he was obviusly frustraded over my decisions.

"How could you be so fucking stupid. You had the chance right then and there."

I inhaled a sharp breathe in and slumped into my seat. "Don't remind me."

"Exactly Sophie, you made the wrong fucking decision."

I snapped my around to face him. "I told you to not fucking remind me okay. At the moment it felt like it was a good decision to make him suffer. But now I just feel like a complete idiot."

"And you should."

"Shut the fucking hell up." he shrugged and bit hit bottom lip.

"I'm only telling you the complete truth." I threw my hands in dismay and just chose to ignore him and concentrate on my phone instead.

"Are we still going to continue with 'this'?" I lifted my head up from my phone and turned to him raising an eyebrow.

"What, you don't think that I'm still gonna want him back?"

"In that case I'm taking it as a yes?"

I nodded my head. "Abosultly it's just taking a different course and I'll just have to deal with it."

He rolled his bottom lip down and nodded while focusing his eyes back onto the road. I have absoultly no idea how managed to make everything get this out of control. At first I thought that maybe this wasn't such a hard idea. But now it's just so difficult. I had everyone thinking that Jay and I were a couple. Nathan thinks that I dont even want him anymore. I was lying to everyone.

I was lying to myself.

"Stop looking so tense Sophie." I turned my head and saw that Jay was looking on the road but talking to me.


"I can tell you're worried. But don't let any of this get into your head."

He was right, I was worrying over this way too much. If all of this works out then I does, if it doesn't then it just doesn't. I just need to be extra careful from now on. Because just by the littlest of things, eveyting could just explode.

"You right Jay. I've just gotta let life take it's course."

"Thats my girl." he procededed to drive, however this time he lifted one hand and started messing around with my hair. I swatted his arm away and punched his arm jokingly.


"Sophie, finally. Your an hour late." Jay and I both walked into the boutique to find everyone else there and Kelsey was being fitted. Michelle ran over towards me and pulled my arm, dragging me towards the other.

"Sit." she demanded while pointing towards the seat next to Max. I sat and tilted my head towards the others.

"Hellooo." they all tuned their heads in my direction and nodded while smiling.

"Why the hell are late Sophie Leigh?" she asked while placing a hand on her hip and looked at me sternly.

"Blame Jay."

"Oh shut it, now get ready she's gonna measure you in five minutes." with that she walked away to what I presume her on own fitting. I turned my head and placed a hand on Max's shoulder.

"I feel incredibly sorry for you right now." I joked, he laughed and shook his head.

"The sex is worth it though." I scrunched and shook my head. Cheeky little bastard.

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