Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"Babe, are Max and Michelle back yet?" I shut my eyes closed and let out an uneasy breath as Nathan walked into the passage way.

The entire room became silent. My heartbeat echoed thought out my body, my head was spinning and I felt like I was going to pass out any minute now. "Oh." that's all that managed to escape his lips. I opened one eye, secretly wishing that maybe Max was wearing Dionne's mask.

Yeah, no.

She was still there, in the flesh. Her face was fallen, and her bottom lip began to tremble. I let out a big sigh and finally opened my eyes completely. I turned my head to face Nathan, who was only wearing his jeans, standing completely shirtless. Oh, well that didn't help.

"What the hell is this." she whispered barley audible. She stepped in and slammed the door behind her. I took a step back and walked directly into Nathan. He held my body steady as Dionne walked towards us, her eyes full of hatred.

"What the hell is this." she said even louder. Her fists were by her sides, and her fists were clenched into balls. I let myself out of Nathan's grip and stepped closer to her, placing my hands in front of me for precaution.

"Listen, Dionne. I'm sure we can talk this out. Just give me time to explain." she stepped closer to me and pushed me back up against the wall. "Theres no need to explain Sophie." she spat. I turned my head to the side and whimpered under her grip. "Dionne, please."

It only made her tighten her grip on my shoulders. A groan left my lips as her nails dug dip into my skin. "Sophie, what the fuck is this." she stepped away and pushed me harshly against the wall, making my head bang against it. I slid down the wall, clutching my head. "Sophie, are you okay." I opened my eyes to see Nathan hovering over me with concern in his eyes, I peered over his shoulder to see Dionne stood there speechless. I let out a sigh and nodded, he held out his hand helping me up. I grabbed it and stood up.

My eyes wondered over to Dionne who was still stood there. I lowered my head and let my body lean against the wall. Nathan mimicked my actions and grabbed my hand so that we were facing Dionne, he grabbed my hand and laced them together. Her eyes lowered down to our fingers and she let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Please, don't tell me what I'm thinking." she said. I eyed her body up and down and let out a scoff. "What exactly are you thinking."

She flicked her hair behind her shoulder; cue the sass master, and began walking up and down the hall way. Her hands were to her side and they began to tremble. She finally stopped in her tracks, so that her back was to us. She swiftly turned around and gave us a smug look, "How long."

I shook my head and looked down, I didn't have the courage to speak up right now. I was lost in my own words. I felt Nathan tense up next to me as Dionne stepped closer to us. I squeezed his hand for comfort. "Dionne, please. Just go take a seat and we'll explain everything."

She glared at Nathan and let out a huge laugh while shaking her head. "What is this, some kind of intervention? No, I didn't think so, just fucking tell me already, it can't do any more damage. Can it?" she yelled out in anger. I ran a hand trough my hair, and let go of Nathan's hand. He looked over his shoulder, but I just let out a half smile, making him nod in response.

"Okay Dionne, please just sit and I'll explain everything." she stood there for a minute, not giving me a response, and then nodded and sat down at the foot of the stairs. I sighed and stood in front of her, I began biting my nails, and then took in a deep breathe, preparing myself for everything that she was about to take in.

"It all started in New York, since day one. We both just couldn't stop it from coming, it sort of just happened." she looked up and gave me a smug look. "Hun, you just can't go around and start sleeping with people's boyfriends. God forbid, Kelsey's going hide Tom from you."

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