II. Enemy Encounter

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[this chapter has been rewritten]


The rapier I bought looked deadly. It's sharp curved edge could give anyone the creeps.

I sighed and put the rapier away and looked at my friends who didn't really seem to remember me. But I couldn't really remember them all that well either.

Elric picked out a rapier as well and looked it over carefully. Hope got a hammer because she didn't feel comfortable using a blade. Dax got a staff and asked us all if it made him look fancy.

I said no and we exited the shop, in hopes of finding the armor place.

People pointed us to it and we entered, holding our sack of money the king gave us. We bought the armor that fit best and eventually made our way to the magic shops.

Hope and Dax smiled when we entered their respective shops.

Hope bought Dia1 and Cure1. Dia1 was a spell that killed undead enemies. Cure1 obviously cured.
Dax bought Fire 1, Bolt1, and Sleep1. One cast fire, another lightning, and the last put enemies to sleep.

We regrouped outside and shared what we had bought. We only had 50 Gil left. Gil was the currency in this magical place.

"So," I began, pulling out my rapier. "Shall we go and fight some monsters?"

Hope shrugged and the others nodded.

We went ahead and exited the town. While trying to get to the exit, people begged us to save the princess. We promised we would. We knew we would. Garland couldn't be that strong.

Could he?

I shook the thought away just as we stepped out into the open plains. I saw a dock nearby and pointed at it. Elric nodded at the dock and we started to walk closer.

Suddenly, we heard a knife swing through the air. It sounded like someone fool was trying to cut at the air, but to no avail. I quickly turned around to find three little elf looking things with white eyes staring at us. They had their knives raised. They were also very short and chubby. Green was what they wore and their faces were expressionless.

"We are the Goblins." They hissed and threw a knife at Elric. It hit him in the side and cut open his leg.

Elric stared at the Goblin and out of anger, grabbed his rapier and charged at the Goblin. He stabbed at it until it exploded into little golden coins and dust.

I looked at the coins in disbelief.

Elric picked them up, only to be stabbed once again by another Goblin.

This time, Dax ran at it and hit him with his staff. The Goblin fell to the ground, but it didn't die.

Hope hit the same Goblin and finally it disappeared just like the other had.

It left behind more gold and dust.

I just stood there, gripping my weapon. These stupid little Goblins were annoying and very easy to kill. The battle seemed simple and it did have rewards.

The last Goblin stared at us. He then ran away. His little chubby legs barely able to carry him.

Elric examined the gold the other Goblins dropped and smiled.

"Gil. It's Gil. That weird creature thing dropped Gil when it died. That seems so weird, I mean, why does it drop that? And why does this weird dust make me feel stronger?" Elric rambled, pocketing the Gil.

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