Chapter 13

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❥ please watch the video on the side. It's sort of like a promo for my new book idea which I will start please watch and tell me what you think ❥ (I know the video is kind of rubbish, but just say whether you think the books a good idea =D)

The Boys Next Door

This chapter is dedicated to Readmedotcom for sticking with the story and being a faithful readerno matter how long it takes me to update. THANKS =D x


Chapter 13


Stephenie’s POV


Saturday 10th September 2011

12.00 noon

The girls and I slouched against the counters bored out of our minds. It was surprisingly quite for a Saturday lunchtime. Lana was doing a crossword and occasionally dancing to the music on the radio. At the moment Moves like Jagger was playing...and Frankie- I frowned. She was asleep?

Her head was resting on her arms which were folded over on one of the counters and she was snoring lightly. Obviously last night had taken its toll on her too, huh?

“Any orders yet?” called Blake from the kitchen. Yeah he was the chef for the lunch rush, and he was actually pretty good at it as well. Obviously took after Susannah, with the whole culinary whizz thing going on.

“No,” I groaned, watching the slow ticking of the clock. Tick, tock, tick, tock. “Where the hell is everyone?!”

“You’ve got them moves like jagger...MMOOOOOVEES LIKE JAGGER!” sang Lana. Rather loudly I may add.

As if god answered my prayers, a sudden rumble of people came in through the doors of the restaurant. But as soon as I saw them my heart fell again. Why did they have to be these people, why couldn’t it by some nice old couple who compliment the cake, not your ass.

“Not it,” said Lana quickly.

“Not it,” mumbled Frankie, who had suddenly woken up. I narrowed my eyes, why did I always loose at that game. Great, now I had to go and serve the idiots. It’s not as if my morning had started of too great in the first place. Well scratch that, it was cool, waking up next to Cole and all, but after that, nothing much good happened after that.

“Fine,” I grumbled and stalked over to the group of rowdy guys. They looked older than me, mid twenties maybe, and a couple of them looked slightly familiar. Probably from one of the Ryan’s parties I decided.

“Are you ready to take your order?” I said standing at the corner of the table. One of the guys flashed a smile at me... “Sure sweetheart. Can I get a...” he pondered for a minute, his eyes glazing over the menu, “I’ll have an all day Breakfast.” Laden with calories, obvious choice...

But I nodded and noted it down anyway.

“Make that two,” yelled a voice. I nodded again and wrote x2 next to it.

“Three,” added a hairy guy...Eewww. Keep your cool Steph, only two guys to go.

The fourth guy looked up and met my eyes. Okay, I admit he was hot. And he didn’t look as old as some of the other guys here either, possibly around 21? His eyes were greeny/grey, which contrasted perfectly with his dark, sexy hair. He sent me a small smile. Sweet baby Jesus, he looked like a model. “Could I have a Panini?” wow even his voice was sexy.

The Boys Next DoorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ