Chapter 4

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The Boys Next Door Chapter 4

I found a love for me

Darling just dive right in

And follow my lead

Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet

I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

Cause we were just kids when we fell in love

Not knowing what it was

I will not give you up this time

But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own

And in your eyes you're holding mine...

What on earth was that? And why was it so loud!  I started to panic thinking that I had somehow gone blind as I couldn't see anything. The song continued to blast in my ears. I tried to move but pain shot up through my right leg.


My eyes jerked open and I came face to face with Ashton's cute little baby face. For a 14 year old, he still had those chubby cheeks that all your old relatives liked pinching for some reason.

"What?" I asked. The music had stopped. That was when I realised that Pefect was my ringtone and my phone was currently vibrating on the pillow beside me. No wonder why the music was so loud. It was right next to my ear.

"Mum said its time to get up. If you need some help getting ready call her." He waggled his eyebrows and for a minute he kind of looked like Jeremy. "Or I could help?" He offered grinning.

I ruffled his hair. "I think I can manage. But we've already had this conversation. Your far too young for me. Plus I think of you as my little brother, that would just be plain wrong."

"I was only kidding Steph, why would I want to go out with an old bag like you."

I gasped and spluttered. "Get out!!"

He sniggered and stumbled away from the bed in which I was struggling to get out of to give him a piece of my mind, or my fist. Whichever one came first.

As I hopped around, I heard more laughing coming from the doorway. I looked up to see Cole standing behind his younger brother. He didn't have a shirt on. Why? Why??? Is someone up there trying to torture me. I cursed silently in my head.

"You know Cole, laughing at me really isn't going to get you into my good books." I said trying to pull on my socks.

"No but whatever it was, it might get you into her pants," muttered Jeremy as he walked past.

I ended up stomping (well I say stomping but more like shuffling heavily) over to the door, chucking one lone sock at Jeremy and slamming the door in the other's faces. Although, I did get to see the pink tinge to Cole's usually flawless cheeks after said comment.

"PMS much!!" I faintly heard someone call.

I rolled my eyes then went back over to the bed and picked up my phone. Oh bum. It was Madison. I started to ponder on whether I should call her back or not.

In the end, I thought I'd better call her considering yesterday, I was not much of a good friend.

"Hello?" said a muffled voice on the other end. Was she still crying? Maybe she liked Cole a lot more than I thought.

"Madison? Are you alright?" I asked concern lacing my voice.

She sniffed. "Why didn't you answer your phone?" she croaked out. I cringed against my phone. Goshh. It must be so hard for her.

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