6 - Tomato?

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The Boys Next



"Right girls! No Messing around! I want this routine perfect or you WILL be replaced. Newbie's, you get this routine perfect and you get a spot! Got it?!" barked Cindy. I was sat besides her facing the hopefuls in front of us.

I saw Madison, just to the side, looking sulky. I wasn't surprised, she was front-runner for co-captain last year. Now I've stolen that from her. Maybe I was a rubbish best friend?

The pumping music started.

"Pump it louder, Pump it louder..."

I nodded my head along to the Black Eyed Peas whilst the 20 girls in front of us started jumping up and down doing the routine. It was pretty easy to pick out the talented against the not. However there were only 8 spots left on the team and 15 of these girls weren't actually that bad.

"Madison! What the hell girl? Get your skinny ass moving! What happened to you over the summer?" yelled Cindy over the loud music.

Madison scowled some more but actually tried a bit harder kicking her legs up higher and almost punching this poor girl in the face next to her.

Eventually the music stopped and a couple of the girls fell to the floor exhausted from the jam-packed routine.

"Hey Steph!" I looked up from the clipboard that Cindy and I were pouring over. I saw Jeremy in his football uniform waving at us from across the field.

I plastered a smile on my face "Hey Jeremy!!!" and waved back enthusiastically.

He jogged over to where we were sitting. All the girls sighed dramatically and started to send him flirty looks as they pulled their already short, shorts up higher. But Jeremy didn't look at them. He kept his eyes on me. If I didn't know any better, I might have actually thought that he loved me.

Pahahaa. Yeah right. I didn't think this boy was capable of love. Though I say that in the nicest way possible.

He got to us and lent over the table to kiss me on the cheek.

I heard the girls scoff things like "she's not even that pretty" or "she's such a slag". Jeremy smiled against my cheek, and then whirled around.

"She's much prettier than all of you," he eyed one girl. "I can't believe I even slept with you." He looked on with disgust.

"Shhh, don't stoop to their level," I tugged him on the arm.

He stepped around the table and wrapped his arms around me from behind. I smiled and whispered in his ear. "You're a really good actor you know.'

He smirked and whispered back "I am a man of many talents."

"Sure you are." I looked around. I could smell Jeremy's sweat from his football practice lingering on him.

I slapped his arm away "ew go away, you're all sweaty."

"Aww does Stephenie not like sweat? Well get used to it babe!" he grinned and bent over me. All I could see was his face in front of mine, upside down, with our hair making a tent around us, shielding our faces from everyone else's view.

If you were looking at us from another's point of view, it would look like we were having a spider-man kiss. You know, with the spider guy upside down and that red-haired girl. I think that was the effect he was going for.

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