Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Please let me explain Steph-" Cole started.

We were sat in the doctors surgery waiting for the results from the x-ray scan of my foot. It killed to put pressure on - hence why I now had a couple of crutches leaning against the chair. My injured leg was resting on Jeremys lap due to his insistent nagging to keep it elevated.

"Just go away Cole, I don't want to hear about how some ugly girl is better than my best friend" I narrowed my eyes into slits and glared at him. "I don't even know why you decided to come. No one wants you here. I was fine with Jeremy and Blake." I muttered under my breath.

He obviously heard because he looked slightly hurt when he said "I wanted to see if you were alright."

"Yeah right. Don't you have better things to be doing. Like hopping into bed with this new girl?"

"I'm not that kind of guy Stephenie. You've known me for 14 can you even say that?!"

"Because, you just crushed my best friends heart. That's why!"

"Umm guys I think we should tone it down. People are starting to stare," whispered Jeremy.

I just rolled my eyes, crossed my arms and scowled like a stubborn child.

"Wow Steph. I never knew you could be so argumentative" Jeremy chuckled.

I threw a cushion at him. Yes it was a posh surgery with fluffy cushions.

His athletic reflexes caught the cushion as he was still chuckling. Cole on the other hand had gone silent beside me.

"I fear that we may have to remove all breakable items with you in this mood." Blake joked from the other side of me. He was reading a National Geographic travelers magazine but smiling slightly.

"Well good luck with that." But I smiled too.

"I'm hungry." Cole said suddenly and standing up. Thank god. It was so weird having an actual fight with him. We always got along.

"Well good for you." I said sarcastically. I was still majorly pissed at this boy.

"I'm going to go run and get a burger. You want anything?"

"No thanks. I don't like taking things from dickheads." Wow I really was blowing this out of proportion but I didn't care.

"Right." He sighed dejectedly. "Anything for you guys?" he asked Jeremy and Blake.

"Nah dude I'm cool" said Jeremy lazily.

"I'm alright at the moment, but I'm sure Miss Gilbert will be hungry later. I think you should pick her something up." Blake said not glancing up from the magazine.

"Ok, see ya later."

"Or not." I replied.

Cole looked at me for a second. He seemed disappointed but before I could look into it anymore, he abruptly turned and started to walk down the hall.

I shook my head slightly and turned to Blake. "I really don't want anything to eat. I wasn't just being a bitch. Well that was part of the plan, but I'm really not hungry."

"Stephenie, your always eating." He peered at me over the magazine through his long dark hair.

"You saying I'm fat?" I made a face of mock horror.

He looked alarmed. "Of course not-t I-I-"

"Relax Blake. I was joking. Your face was so funny." I cracked up.

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