Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Friday 9th September 2011


I only just dawned on me that Cole and I hadn't actually talked about 'last night' when I got back in the school. I presumed he wanted to lecture me again about why I still hadn't told anyone about father, he kept telling me to phone an abuse hotline, but the truth was that if I did, I would get sent away to live with my old Aunt Clara in Scotland. I didn't want to be that far away from these boys, and Susannah. They were my family too and I couldn't imagine life without them. Thats why it was Friday afternoon, and we were all lounging in the living room, and I still hadn't brought it up. I wasn't planning on it either.

Tonight was the annual Ryan , start of the year party. Held where? Held right here at the Ryan house. Every year the boys threw a party in which everyone who's anyone came. As the boys were all in different years, their friends from high school, sixth form and uni all came. It was havoc in the house. But it was pretty fun and everyone always had a great time. Susannah and her friend had gone to London to see a west-end show, so we had the house to ourselves, hence the party later.

As I said before, we were all lounging around before the party arrived. All four boys were playing Call of Duty on the Xbox whilst I was lying on one of the sofas, my feet resting on Cole's lap, reading MORE magazine.

"What!? Did you just throw that grenade?" cried Ashton, his cheeks puffing out, making me want to pinch them so bad. Refrain yourself Stephanie!

"Dude chill out!"

"We're on the same team. You're not supposed to kill me!"

"I didn't mean too! I threw it but you ran into it!"


"Hey no fair! I wasn't looking."

"You snooze, you loose!"

I laughed at them, all bickering over the game.

"Did you just steal me gun? You just copied my class!"

"Well. You killed me three times in a row."


"Move, I need to get inside or the chopper will k- ahhh this is your fault. I'm gonna kill you now."


"Look, you're all losers." I said giggling.

"Hey, be nice..." warned Cole.

"Or what?" I mocked raising my eyebrows.

"Or....I' this!" he dropped his controller on the sofa and grabbed one of my feet tickling it. I started shrieking loudly. I was terribly ticklish so I started trying to get my feet out of his grasp whilst giggling uncontrollably, which kind of just meant I was just kicking him.

"Hey watch it! I got precious cargo under here." Cole yelled over my protests.

I snorted. "Yeah right. Precious to who? Then purposefully kicked him in the balls. Lightly of course, but not too lightly, after which he let go of my feet abruptly.

"Oucchh pretty girl, that hurt!" he turned his widened eyes to me.

"HAHA." Said Ashton, although his eyes were still glued to the screen.

"I second that." I said, still panting and wheezing...alright that makes me sound like an old lady...from when he tickled me.

"Jeez it sounds like Stephanie was having sex or something the way she was screaming like that," Jeremy murmured under his breath, although quite clearly not quiet enough.

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