"I won't shut you this time," I promised. She beamed after hearing me and I let out a small laugh.

Still smiling she said, "Okay. Now we will let you work. Don't want the manager to shout at you, do we?" She wiggled her eyebrow. I'm glad, I could make her smile or laugh.

She turned to others and gave them a reassuring smile. They returned the smile and took the nearest booth by the window.

Chase hasn't moved as he continued to stare at me. I looked at him blinking. Why is he still here?

I cleared my throat. "Is there anything you need?"

He snapped out of his thought. "Huh? Sorry. Uh...I just want to talk to you about last night." He rubbed the back of his neck, nervously. I bit my lips to hide my smile. I can't be angry with him even if I want to. He makes it so damn difficult.

"We'll talk, but not here. I have work. We can talk at home if you want." I muttered. Smiling, he turned and went towards the booth.

I truly meant when I said I won't shut people out this time. I know it won't be that easy, but trying doesn't hurt, right?

I continued with my work. By now, all my friends had gone home. The manager of the cafe came out with a flyer and stuck it outside.

I turned to Alice and asked, "Does he want a new worker?"

"Yeah I guess," she said. Her eyes lit up, "maybe someone he hire will be hot. I really need new people around. I'm tired of seeing your face every day."

I scoffed at her. "Glad to know you love me so much."

"You know it's true." She said playfully.

"Yeah well, maybe. Depends if it's a guy, he shouldn't be a man-whore and if it's a girl, then she shouldn't be a..." I was thinking of some proper word I want to describe her.

"Slut?" Alice asked. I gasp at her.

"Rude much?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes, "As if you were not thinking about it."

"Was not."

"Of course. Girl, you're innocent. Chloe doesn't swear."

I frowned at her, "Whatever. I have to go. My shift is over. Bye."


I took my bag from the workers room and headed towards my baby. I got in and drove home. Reaching home, I entered and went to the living room that connected the staircase at the corner of it, only to find mom and dad waiting for me. I placed the car keys on the nearby table and turned towards them and raised an eyebrow.

Mom looked nervously at Dad. Dad only gave her reassuring smile and turned towards me. "How was work, kiddo?"

I slowly sat on the opposite couch facing them. "Good."

"We got a call from school that you didn't attend any class after your lunch, is that right?"


"Why, may I ask?" He asked, cautiously.

"I wasn't feeling well."

"You should have called me."

"I wanted to stay alone, okay? Why can't you'll understand?" I snapped at him. Why move round and round. Directly ask me the freaking question.

Mom gave a stern look, "You can't talk to us this way, young lady. We also got a call from Liam."

"I don't care what he said. I don't want your help. So leave me alone." I jumped from the couch and went upstairs, ignoring the calls Mom send my way.

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