"Could you grab the paper plates and forks? Second top drawer from the fridge."

"So how was Lucy this morning?" Quinn asked as she gathered everything.

"She was really good. I'm surprised actually, since she hasn't had a nap yet, but I'm sure she'll crash soon."

"Sheridan was showing her Nada," Quinn smiled.

"Really?" I laughed.

"Yeah, Lucy was sitting in Austin's lap while Sheridan sat beside him and explained everything about Nada to her. Sheridan just loves that doll."

I grinned. "Won't be long before Lucy wants one."

Quinn's sixteen-year-old sister Leah walked into the kitchen holding Lucy. Jace was the same age as Austin and I.

Leah didn't look like Quinn or Jace at all. While Quinn and Jace both had straight blonde hair and were pale with blue eyes, Leah had long curly brown hair and latte coloured skin, with big green eyes. She looked like their dad.

"Austin told me to tell you to hurry up, he's starving," she informed me.

"Tell Austin I'll kick him in the ass if he's going to be like that. He can wait."

She laughed. "Will do." She turned to her older sister. "Oh, and Sheridan is wondering where you are."

"I told her where I was going," she sighed. "Alright, we're coming. Go tell everyone."

"For god's sake, I'm not a messenger," Leah muttered, but she left anyways.

"Come on; let's bring the cake out before everyone bites our heads off." I slowly carried the cake out while Quinn followed me into the dining room with the plates and cutlery.

Lucy was in her high chair with Austin bending down beside her, and everyone else was standing around the table.

Austin did a little gasp to Lucy when he saw me walk in with the cake. "Who's that, Luce? Is that mommy with your cake?"

Lucy giggled and clapped her hands, causing everybody to laugh. "Alright, everybody sing!" I announced as I lit the candle. I set the cake down in front of Lucy and she stared at the candle in awe.

After the singing finished, everyone clapped and Austin blew out the candle before kissing Lucy's head.

"Picture time!" Austin's mom, my mom, Quinn, Leah and Taylor announced at once. They all whipped out their cameras. Jace, and Alex just shook their heads.

"Oh dear lord," Austin muttered, but I just grinned.

When they had all taken their fair share of pictures, my mom came over to me. "Here, honey, I'll cut the cake. You've already done a bunch today."

"Thanks, mom," I sighed with relief as I handed her the knife.

While she handed out cake, Sheridan ran over to me. "Emily! Guess what?"


She put a finger on her lower lip and pulled it down to reveal a missing tooth. "I lost a tooth!"

"Oh wow! That's awesome, Sheridan," I smiled.

"It's my first one, but I'm not giving it to the tooth fairy. Unca Jace said she only gives money to boys," she informed me.

"Did he now?" I asked, glancing up to shoot Jace a look, who had heard what his niece said.

He started laughing. "I was just kidding, you goofball," he told Sheridan before scooping her up and holding her upside down, causing her to shriek with laughter.

I grabbed a piece of cake for Lucy and set it down in front of her. "She's not going to eat that," Austin said.

Almost immediately, Lucy threw her face down into the cake.

"Lucy!" I exclaimed as everyone burst out laughing.

"Hey, I can do that too," Alex announced before sticking his face in his cake. Taylor smacked him upside the head.

"You whack-a-doodle!" She told him. "You're 20!"

Lucy pulled her face out and dunked her hands in it, licking it off her fingers with a shriek of joy.

"She's eating it," I told Austin.

"More like bathing herself in it," he replied.

The rest of the party was great, and Lucy got a lot of new clothes. Good. Now I wouldn't have to shop for a while.

Quinn's family left first, then Taylor and Alex, then the boys, then Mike and our moms stayed to help clean up. Austin's mom gave Lucy a bath before she fell asleep covered in cake. Shortly after, the house was empty.

I was gathering Lucy's presents when Austin walked into the living room holding a sleeping Lucy, who was sucking on her pacifier.

I smiled. "When did she crash?"

"Like, five minutes ago. She was just sitting in her high chair while I sang quietly when BOOM. Fast asleep."

I stood up. "Your voice does wonders."

He grinned. "The party went well."

"Yeah, I'm surprised she didn't get fussy at all."

"She's a happy baby," he grinned as he looked down at her.

"Do you mind putting her to bed? I'll finish up down here," I said.

"Yeah, of course." Austin gave me a kiss before heading upstairs.

As soon as I finished gathering the gifts, I flopped down onto the floor. Pancakes trotted into the room and lied down at my feet. "Hey girl," I said, scratching her head. "Long day," I sighed.

She rested her head on my knee, staring up at me. "What's up?"

She started wagging her tail. "Did you do something?" I asked her suspiciously.

With that, she jumped up and trotted away. "I'll never know with that dog," I said to myself. "Well, at least the party was a success. Now if only I remembered where I put Lucy's bottle..."

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