Death and all his friends

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Author's note: Sadly, all good things must come to an end.  Writing this story, this novel has been a challenge, a curse, and a blessing.  There were times when I sat, staring at my computer screen not knowing how to continue or where to take the story.  I first started this with the intention of making it a short, light, fluffy story.  The main purpose was for me to see if I could actually write something longer then a page or two.  However, the more I told Emma's story the more I found out she had more to say and so I went with it and now, 26 chapters and thousands of words later here is her story from beginning to end.  

Thank you for reading this and taking part in Emma's journey. 


                                                                      Chapter 25

At the sight of Kailah, Grey stiffen. His body became rigid and his fist balled at his sides. How could I have forgotten that Kailah was here too? I became so wrapped up with Grey I had forgotten about her. Kailah's eyes darted between us. Her smile seeming to grow larger when she saw how disturbed I was. Her eyes swept me up and own.

"Quite a shocker isn't?" She mocked, "I can only imagine what you must be thinking right now. Given the giant curve ball that was just thrown in your direction." She laughed, the sound so bubbly and off place. As if she was discussing the latest fashion trend or Hollywood gossip. "Greyson, the guy you feel in love with after Noah, turned out to be the one responsible for his demised to begin with. Almost poetic, don't you think?" she continued mockingly. Grey took a step in her direction.

"I warned you to leave her out this Kailah." He snarled. His face twisted into a look of hatred and disgust. Kailah was unaffected by it, she seemed mildly amuse in fact.

"And like I told you, I just can't do that. She's a part of this just as much you and I . . . and let's not forget Noah. So cousin, I can't leave her alone, even if I wanted."

I felt paralyzed in between the staring contest that followed. Oxygen eluted me. I'm sure it was only a few seconds until I realized it but to me, it felt like an eternity. My mind locked on a crucial word in Kailah's sentenced. A word that further sent me down the hole of shock and utter despair . . . cousin . . . cousin . . . cousin . . . they were related? Kailah and Grey were related? I looked between them, Grey glanced at me when he sensed the change in me.

It was so obvious now. Stupid that I missed it, even with everything Grey had told me so far. Now that I looked at them with anew clarity, Kailah and him seemed obviously related. Same deep black shade of hair, same tanned skin, same bridge of their nose, same slope of their foreheads, even the angle of their cheekbones looked similar. They were related. Grey was Kailah's cousin.

For afar, behind the wall, I almost heard Mina's sharp intake, she must've heard and now seen exactly what I was seeing.

"Oh," Kailah covered her mouth in false shock. "Did you fail to mention that we're related Greyson?" Amused, she placed her hands at her hips. "And there I went and ruined the surprised."

"We are not related Kailah. I cannot share the same blood with someone as cold and as heartless as you." Grey said. His voice full hatred. "You ruin everything you touch. You want to control everything and everyone no matter the cost . . ."

Kailah fake yawed. Looking almost bored. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, saved it. I've heard it all before. I'm mean, I'm a bitch, I'm manipulative, I'm controlling, blah, blah, blah. It's all the same, and quite frankly it's all true. The difference is that I don't deny it, I embrace it. And you my little Greyson are fighting it."

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