Coming Clean

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Okay readers here is the next chapter in Remember Me, and much like the title says it, a lot of people will be coming clean about a lot of stuff, hopefully you guys will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. =) leave comments and stuff letting me know what you think. =)

      Please, please remember to vote+fan+comment it would mean a lot =D


                                                        Chapter 4

     The heavy realization of what had happen tonight kept running wildly free in my head.  Kailah in her drunken-pissed-off state had finally done what she had threaten to do, and she did it with a bang, humiliating me in a way that I hadn't even considered.  She finally opened her mouth and told everyone including Noah about my feelings for him, mocking me in the process.  Not knowing what else to do I left the party in near tears and now I found myself sitting here in the dark.

     I've been sitting alone in the park in middle of the night for God-knows-how long, and just now I've notice how cold it has gotten.  I looked around, suddenly afraid the something might jump out of the shadows at me, but nothing happen.  I reached for my phone to call someone, only to realized that I had left it in my purse inside Mina's car.  With no other clear option insight I got up from the bench and started walking away, If this was the park Mina and I were at last week then my house would be no more then five block's away, not along distance to travel on foot, I thought as I walked.  The distace seemed to strech and the road felt like it would never end, like it was leadiing me no where.  After a while I panic a little when I didn't recognized the houses I was passing, I kept glacing behind me nervously, feeling the small hairs on the back of my neck begin to stand at a tention. My pace quicken, and I began debating wether to knock on someones door and ask to borrow and phone.  Yeah, and then what? Who are you gonna call? The same voice from before chimed in. 

     It was right, who was I suppos to call? My parents? Mina?.  .  .Noah? no way, especially not after.  .  .   I kept walking even more diligently, but my heart never let up.  A little while later I began to recognized my surroundings and finally knew where I was going with certainty.

     I tried hard not to think about how worried Mina would be when I didn't show up at her house.  I would have to call her when I get home just so that she doesn't do something crazy like call the police.  A small part of my mind wondered if Noah would be worried or if he was just as indifferent as he looked back at the party, but I tried not to think of him much more then necessary, I couldn't deal with anything else tonight. 

     After what felt like forever I finally reached my house, not having my key on me I reached for the copy my parent's kept hidden under heave.  I unlocked the door and walked inside turning on the lights and the heat because I jut realized I was freezing.  My body felt exhausted and tired but my mind was still working over-time trying to figure out a way I could get out of the situation I was in. 'Maybe Noah won't believe a word Kailah had said.  .  .I mean, she was obviously drunk.' I considered that option, but then I remembered the way Noah had looked a me before I bolted and I knew that he had believed every word.  That it hadn't mattered that Kailah had been wasted.  He still believed.  Finally I just gave up trying to find a solution, I was tired and cold and all I wanted was a hot shower and crawl into bed so that I could forget about everything at least for a few hours.

     In my room I grabbed a towel and a change of clothes and walked to my bathroom.  I stood under the hot spray for along time, just letting the water hit me as if it could wash away all the pain, hurt and humiliation I underwent tonight.  When the water started to get cold I decided it was time to get out.  I stood in front of the fogged up mirror of the bathroom looking at my reflection.  How did ever deluded myself to believe that I could possibly have a shot with someone like Noah? Yes we were friends, but in all the time I've known him he never made an advance or a gesture that hinted he wanted to be more then friends.  Had I made the whole thing up in my head? I was afraid I did. I was terrified actually, and now thanks to that, I've lost his friendship and especially lost him.

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