A Waiting Game

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Here is the continuation of Remember Me with the new chapter, here will find out if Kailah will spill all of Emma's secrets and humiliate her in the worse way possible. enjoy =)

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                                                     Chapter 3

     Mina drove for a long time before stopping, once she parked the car and killed the engine I looked up to see that we were at a park; I had stopped crying and was blowing my nose when she pulled the door open and got out.  I was about to follow her and had my hand on the door latch when I decided against it.  During the drive, she kept saying something about this whole mess being her fault that if she hadn't suggested that we fallowed Noah and Kailah out to the restaurant none of this would have happen.  I knew from experience she had some anger to vent out and frankly, I felt hopeless at the moment.  I was no good company to anyone, my body felt numb, desensitize from my own emotions.  All sorts of scenes kept playing through my head showing different kind of scenarios all involving Kailah telling Noah, and ending with Noah looking the other way and never speaking to me again.  The mere thought of something like that happening sent a wave of hurt and revulsion across my body, making my stomach lurch violently. 

     I knew that Kailah being the bitch that she was would use this information against me and humiliate me.  And what better way to do that then by telling Noah the truth.  I felt the clock ticking, ticking towards my impending demise; I felt it to the core of my being.  I meekly tried convincing myself that maybe this was for the best, that if Noah really didn’t feel anything towards me I wouldn’t be there to see his bewilder expression when he found out that I did.  Would he be angry? Shocked? Perhaps a strange combination of the two? I tried telling myself without success that I might have imagine the whole thing, that everything I thought I saw from him, all the signals that I thought I saw were all in my head. Some fantasy that I wanted so much to be real that I deluded myself to see it but in the end it was all a lie all made up.  

     No, no, no, you could not have imagined it! A voice said in my head.  It was there, you know it was! The way he smiles at you, the way he talkes to you, how he always turnes to you when he needs someone to be there or just someone to lean on. That way he looks at you with a glimmer shining bright through his blue eyes.  You couldn’t have imagined that.  The way you reach when he's near.  .  .that has to ne mutual.  Remember when his eyes went big when he saw you coming down the stairs just this morning? And how he became tongue-tied when he spoke to you.  You know that was real! .  .  .

     But what if it wasn’t? A different voice spoke overshadowing the first one shortly. Maybe he only looked at you how a friend see’s a good friend.  You two grew up together, you know there is the very big possibly that he only sees you as a sister, as everyone says.

     Listen to your heart, it will help you through this, the first voice spoke up again.  Be careful.  .  . The heart can be deceiving, letting you believe something that wasn’t there.  The second voice said completely undermining the first one.

      It was hard to think to through the jumble thought swirling around my head.  I was as if I had an angel perched on one of my shoulders and a devil on the other like during the old-school cartoons.  One reassuring me that everything would work out for the best, and the other tearing down the confidence the words from the first one created. 

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