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     Okay!! so after what happen in the last chapter I'm sure your all wondering something along the lines of...what is going to happen next!? Or I can't believe that happen!? Or even maybe what the hell was Emma thinking? Why would she do that!!... well here is the next installment of Remember Me, and this chapter is just as shocking as heart-racing as the last.

     Please, please like I always let you guys know, show your support and love by Voting+Commenting and fanning. I can't tell you guys how much you support means!! ( ^_^ )


                                               Chapter 15

     Morning dawned on me; the light of the new day was filtering through the dark curtains covering the massive windows in Grey's room.  Last night when we had finally fallen asleep, both our bodies exhausted and spent, it had been well into the late hours.  Grey had pulled the covers around me and then got in next to me, I buried my face in the hollow of his neck and sooner than I thought, I feel into a peaceful serene sleep, the kind of sleep that had eluded me for so long.  Having Grey next to me, with his warm heat around me chased the memories away and the horrible nightmare that hunted me every night never came.

     I stretched and turned to my left side, reaching for the warm body I assumed would be there, only, it wasn't.  My hand came up empty, touching nothing but the pillow and empty bed around me. My eyes fluttered open and confirmed that I in fact was alone in the bed that suddenly felt three times bigger. "Grey?" I called sitting up on the bed and tucking the covers firmly around me.  I looked around the room, but found it empty as well. In the corner of the room was a desk with a sliver laptop on it, several notebooks and a desk lamp.  A shelf was almost adjacent to it, littered with photo frames, athletic trophies and regular guy stuff paraphernalia. Several posters hung from the wall at irregular intervals, displaying several rock bands and music groups.  I recognized several of them, but some I didn't. 

     I scooted closer to the edge of the bed and readied myself to stand up, when from the right side of the room I heard a toilet flush and then a sink faucet switch on. A few minutes later, Grey stepped out closing the door to the bathroom behind him.  Strangely, I breathe out a sigh of relief when I saw him.  He was wearing only a pair of boxers-briefs and a ridiculous wave of embarrassment hit me at his near nakedness.  After everything that had happen between us last night, it was stupid of me to feel like this. He at least was covered; I on the other hand was completely naked under the sheet.

     I smiled at him as I diverted my eyes away.

     "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" Grey asked as I heard him walk to the bed, I turned to him and found him smiling broadly at me; small dimples formed at the corners of his cheeks. He pulled the covers back then climbed in next to me.  One of his arms went around my back and the other lingered on mid-section, drawing lazy circles on my left leg.

     "No, you didn't, it's just that.  .  .you weren't here."I said hearing the stupidity in my own words.  Grey laughed softly and then kissed my temple. "I wouldn't leave you." He said, then he tucked a strand of lose hair behind my ear.  The wave of embarrassment disappeared as fast as it came; Grey made me feel so comfortable that being naked with him felt like nothing.  I leaned towards him and rested my head on his shoulder.  He made me feel so safe, so secure, that nothing could compare.  "You looked so peaceful, that I didn't want to disturb you." He said into my hair, his hand stopped moving on my leg and intertwined with mine. I could see the rise and fall of his chest, hear the beat of his heart and I felt as if I was looking at Grey for the first time, and that brought butterflies to my stomach.

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