Too Late

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The wait is over, here is the next chapter on the Hopelessly in Love series, not much happens in this chapter but i feel like it was needed to show the deepness of the love Noah and Emma shared. but until next chapter were it all unravels . enjoy =)

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                                                        Chapter 6

     After we left the school, Mina dropped me off at my house, she wanted to stay to keep me company, I had to convince her that I needed sometime alone, that it was something I needed to do on my own, reluctantly she agreed.  "Call me if you need anything okay?" She told me before driving off, I stood outside my house for a while, I didn't want to go in and face my parents, they would ask all sorts of questions, and knowing my dad he would go after Noah the way he had threaten.  I looked over at the house next door, where Noah lived, his truck was missing, still in practice, I though, there was so much stuff I needed to sort through though, I didn't even know where to begin. I definitely didn't want to go to my room, everything in there reminded me of him and the weekend we spend together - that now seemed so far away, like almost a dream.  Finally I started walking in the direction of the park five blocks from my house, this place had secretly become like my sanctuary, when I reach it I found the bench I had sat the night after the party and walked to take a sit on it again, the word's Kailah had said to Noah were still rigging through my head, and the text she had send me felt like it was burning a hole in my pocket.  "If he's not mine, he won't be your's either."  What did she mean by that? Is she delusional enough to think that Noah would go back to her?

     Sitting there I tried to recall what happen the first day, back when Noah took Kailah to the restaurant, and me and Mina had followed them.  That day Noah had looked bored, like he was just hanging out with her, but apparently a lot more then just 'hanging out' had happen between them.  What Kailah said to me back in chemistry class came rushing back, "I at least am brave enough to be with a guy, and not just Austin, but your Noah as well."  Now I understood what more she had implied, I had been so caught up in other stuff I completely missed it.  If I was being honest with myself, I was mostly pissed that Noah never told me anything.  He kept it all to himself.  But, would I have react differently if he told me that he had had sex with Kailah, rather then finding out from Kailah herself? Maybe, maybe not.  Then why did I feel so betrayed by him? I had seen him with other girls besides Kailah, and knew he had fooled around with some of them.  Then why was this any different? He wasn't with me when he did it, so he hadn't technically cheated on me, then why? Why? Because you love him, came the replay from some where in my head.  Yes I love him, and he has told me that he loves me also.  But, was that way? Because in some abstract way I had unknowingly become more possessive of him? To the point where when at first I tolerated his flings bacause the knowledge of his love was still unknow to me and now that I knew about it I didn't want any mention of  someone else past or present whatsoever? I knew the answered to that right of way, yes and yes.

     I had been so stupid like all the other times, and now it was slapping me in the face much like Kailah had done.  He did love me, and that was why he didn't say anything, he had tried to protect me.  Noah must have had an idea of how I would react if I ever found out and he didn't want to disstress me, because now all that was in the past and didn't matter, and he really wanted to make something serious work between us.  That was probably what he wanted to explain, right at the end before I walked off with Mina blinded by rage.  Then another truth hit me - that's why he wouldn't take things further between us, that was the reason also.  I had been so blinded by rage and stupidity, I acted like such a bitch to him when all he had done was to shield me, then as if to make matters worse I remembered what he mouthed right before Mina drove off, I love you, he'd said and that did it, the tears I had been fighting back broke free and began to spill from my eyes.

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