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 Author side notes:

Thank you so much to MeganSmith98 for making some of the best covers ever you all should check her out! she's great at what she does!! u rock! =)

Also, big shout out to my editor; demoiselle_dragonfly or Jessica.  without your help this story would have been a fail!! lol thank you so much. =D


 Anyway, back to the story =)...

New story I'm working on, hope you guys like it and enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  Like always please comment, like, rate. it serves as an inspiration to keep doing what im doing.

Please, please remember to VOTE+FAN+COMMENT it means a lot when you guys do =D



I stared breathless out my window, looking at the rising sun and watching the morning birds sing and fly by.  Some stopped in a tree branch while others flew away until they disappeared in the horizon.  Sometimes I wished I were one of those birds, so I could spread my wings and fly.  Fly away from everything, specially from the memories that always hunt me.  I wish I could fly away and forget about the nightmare that never seems to end.  Slowly, unknowingly and against my will, my mind begins to wonder to that nightmare.  I began to drift back to the awful night that changed my life so drastically.  The night where I nearly lost my life.  Against my will though, images trickle in  .  .  .  the explosion of glass in my face, everything going black, feeling blood run down my body.  It was all awful, horrible, and more of it was forcing it's way to the forefront of my mind.  I got up and started screaming.  Clutching my hands to my ears as if that will keep the images away, keep them form flooding my mind.  It was no good.  I could see the flashes in front of my eyes and the images as if I were looking at pictures.

 Next thing I know, my mother is at my side.

"Emma, it's okay.  Everything is fine.  It's alright, your safe." She cooed holding me.  I was hyperventilating by now and tears were pooling in my eyes, but I wasn't going to cry.  I had already sworn I would never cry again, at least not in front of anyone.  So I fought the tears back and with a ragged breath I succeeded. "I have to see Noah." I told my mother pulling back to see her worried expression.

"I don't think that's such a good idea honey, he won't recognized you; he won't remember who you are. He doesn't even remember who his mother is."

"It doens't matter, I have to see him." I pushed from her embrace and sprinted out the door and down the stairs.  "Emma wait!" I heard her call, but I didn't stop.  I made my way next door and knocked frantically until Liv, Noah's mother, swung the door open. "Emma, what are you doing here?" She asked even though she already knew the answer. "I need to see Noah." I demanded.  She looked stern, like she was about to protest, but surprisingly she didn't say anything.  She just opened the door wider and gestured me in.

Once inside I quickly walked to Noah's room, yanked the door open and lock it behind me.  I didn't  hear any foot steps, so Liv hadn't followed me.  Slowly I turned around and found Noah lying on his bed.  He wasn't looking at me, he was looking out the window  much like he had yesterday, the day before, the day before that, and every day since he was release from the hospital.  The bandage he had on his head wasn't there anymore - I guess the wound had finally healed.  I walked slowly towards the edge of his bed, as if to not startle him and sat down. 

"I was wondering when you were gonna show up." He said, still not looking at me.  His voice was monotone, emotionless.  It broke my heart.

"You know I always come, maybe not always at the same time, but I always show." I said trying to keep my voice even. "How are you today?" he didn't answer, he just shrugged.  The small movement reminded me so much of his old self.  I almost began crying, but I held myself together. 

"What's your name again?" He suddenly asked.  By now I was used to going through these steps.  Doctors said they have no way of knowing when or if  his memories would ever come back.  That it was essential for anyone who came into contact with him to always remind him of who they are before starting  a conversation with him.  The first time Noah asked me who I was, I left the room and cried in the hallway.  But now, I tried to make it a routine and not let it get to me.

"I'm Emma, your . . . friend" I said.

"Emma....?" he repeated.  His eyebrows drew together.  He seemed to concentrate on something and he kept repeating my name under his breath over and over.  Finally he moved to sit and for the first time he turned to look straight at me.  Stupidly my heart began beating faster.  

"Tell me something, did . . . I . . . ever love you?" he asked.  The force of what he said slammed into me like a wrecking ball, breaking my carefully constructed facade.  My eyes watered and I began crying.  I looked down, I didn't want to meet his eyes.  This was the first time since that night that he had ever come close to remember anything, let alone that he loved me.  I was shaking, it gave me a ray of hope that maybe, just maybe, he will finally recall everything.  Unthinkingly I threw my arms around him and held him tight, the way I had wanted to for so long now.  He was startled at first.  I was afraid that he would push me away and throw me out of the room.  But then slowly, hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back.  I whispered in between light sobs, "Yes, yes, you did and . . . I still do." 


This was a short intro into the what will be a new story with several chapters, hope you all like this new version of the preface i tried to convey a lot of emotion into what happen to the characters. please let me know your thoughts and what's on your mind, and read Remember Me (it's a really exciting story). ( ^_^ )

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