Forty Seven || Hold My Hair

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I need to stop thinking so much, it's making my head hurt even more. I turn on my back and put my arm over my eyes, blocking out the sunlight.

Water is what I need right now. My mouth is dry and tastes terrible. I must've thrown up a lot.

I get up slowly and stand up. As I walk to the kitchen I hope that James isn't here because I am not in the mood to deal with his shit this morning.

When I reach the end of the hallway, it's silent. I glance at the clock and it's a little bit after two in the afternoon. I sigh, half the day is already gone and it's only Tuesday. I can't remember if I have a class today, I probably do. I have to go, so that should be fun...

I get myself a glass of water and chug all of it down. I need this horrid taste out of my mouth.

I set my glass in the sink and head to the bathroom. The only thing that water did was cure my dry throat, but definitely didn't get rid of this awful taste. I grab my toothbrush out of the holder and quickly put some toothpaste on it. I brush my teeth and my tongue. I brush them twice and that did the trick. Thank goodness.

People say that there isn't any real hangover cure, so I'm just going to have to wait for it to be gone. It's really the only way and if I have a class today, I need my brain to be working somewhat.

My stomach still hurts like I have the flu or something and my head is still throbbing. I grab my blanket room and turn off all the lights off and close all the curtains in the apartment, so it's pretty much pitch dark. All the light that there really was is from the light shining up at the top of the curtains.

I lay down on the couch in a fetal position and pull the blanket over my body.

I reach over and turn on the TV. I change the channel to the one that I usually watch. A show was on, that I have never seen before.

I wish I could just sleep off this stupid thing. I had something like eleven hours of sleep last night, so that would be why I can't sleep.

I just stared at the screen for a long time.



I open my eyes, my apartment is still dark. I'm glad that I slept for awhile. I needed that.

I hear shuffling around in the kitchen. I sit up a bit and look behind the couch. James is in the making something in there. He must've came in pretty quiet because I didn't hear anything.

There is only one light on in the kitchen, giving him just enough to work in. I am surprised that he didn't try his damnedest to wake me up. He could have turned all the lights on, opened all the curtains and be really loud in the kitchen, but he wasn't. It's weird, considering the fact that he is angry at me for some reason.

My headache is starting to fade and my stomachache is gone.

I need some Aspirin. I look down around and see my bag on the end of the couch. I grab my phone out and turn on the screen. They're are a lot of notifications, but there were two that stood out our of all of them.

One was telling me that I was a class at five and then there was a text message from Ryder.

'Call me' is all it said. I don't know if it is super important or not.

I get up and go to the kitchen. All I am going to get is something for my head and just in there and get out.

I bypass James who was chopping something up and grab the bottle off the counter. I get myself a glass of water. I down two pills and dump the remaining water in the sink.

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