The Douchebag Jar

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Dedicated to @poptropical10 who is a massive New Girl fan like me, thanks for all the awesome convos about NG, we're too cool for school! So yeah, you get the Douche Bag Jar as your dedication because it provides us with so many laughs. xxx

The douchebag jar is a jar that Schmidt has to put money into whenever he does anything remotely douchebag-ish. It is supposed to make him stop behaving like a tool, but it doesn't seem to be working.

However Scmidt isn't the only one that has had to put money in to the jar. Jess' friend Sadie also had to deposit some money when she said, "I know my way around a grizzly adams."

In the episode Bathtub Jess and Winston used the money to dry-clean Schmidt's suits after they ruined them.

List of money put into the jar on the show:

Pilot- "This is L.L.S: Ladies Love Schmidt"  for $1 requested by Nick Miller

Pilot- Calling Nick and Coach "bros" amount unknown, requested by Nick Miller

Pilot- Said to Jess "No matter what,  I would still totally do you" unknown amount requested by Jessica Day.

The Story of the 50- "Guess who's personalised condoms just arrived!" unknown amount requested by Jessica Day

The Story of the 50- Waling into the room wearing a tank top and driving cap unknown amount requested by Nick Miller

The Story of the 50- Attempting to kiss Jess $50 requested by Nick Miller, Jessica Day and Winston Bishop

Fancyman (Part 2)- Response to remembering Calvin Coolidge's Birthday: "Question, how do you forget that? Answer, you don't." unknown amount requested by himself.

Fancyman (Part 2)- (as he's putting money in the jar) "Winston, it's your public education, you'll catch up." unknown amount requested by himself.

Katie-"Jess, are you cooking fritatta in a saucepan? What is this, prison?" unknown amount requested by Nick Miller and Winston Bishop.

Elaine's Big Day- It was brought up by Nick Miller but no money was actually put in the jar.

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