I opened my locker to remove my books when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and smiled. "Hey," I muttered enough for him to hear.

"Hey, you okay there?" He asked. I shrugged.


"You don't look fine," Aoron said.

"I am fine, really." I tried to convince him. He gave me a weary look.

"Okay. So I'll see today for the project?" He asked.

"I have work until 7. Can we do it on weekend?" I asked.

"Yeah sure. See you then." He reluctantly waved, still looking unconvinced.

I rested my head against the locker and closed my eyes in exhaustion. "Chloe." Not again. I turned around to see who called me, but when I saw, I clenched my jaw.

"Leave me alone, Mason." I tried to prey him off but he won't go. I'm not in a mood to deal with him.

"Can I talk to you?" He ignored my previous comment. I opened my mouth to reply but Ashley cut me off.

"Chloe!" She shouted from down the hall. Everyone stopped to see who shouted, but Ashley came running towards me. My guess was that Mom called her. Explains the panic look on her face. She rushed towards me, taking my face in her hands and inspects it. I sighed. "Are you okay? Your Mom called and told me about what happened last night...." She trailed, looking at Chase who was standing there, confused.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." I reassured her. She shook her head.

"I'm going to worry. It didn't happen in, like a month!" She exclaimed.

"I know. It's fine. We are not talking about it," I said in final tone. I looked at Chase, who narrowed his eyes at us and frowned.

"Oh! Hello Chase, didn't see you there." She said, mumbling the last part to herself. I shook my head. Finally Leah and Laura arrived. Tension was so thick in the air that it was suffocated me.

"Hey there, people," Laura said. We muttered our 'hey'. Ashley was now looking a bit uncomfortable.

"Hey, Chase." Leah said, waving at him.

"Hey," he replied back. He looked at me and said, "We'll talk later."

"Hey, you okay? You look like a freaking zombie standing here." Laura said. Ashley gave me an uneasy look to which I ignored.

"I'm fine," I repeated again. Guess that's what I have to keep telling everyone, including myself.

"Okay. Why was Chase here?" Leah asked. "What did he want?"

I looked at them and sighed. I told them what happened yesterday minus the part when I came home. They looked at me, all different expression.

"I can't believe he would say something so rude," Leah finally said.

"I know."

"Now, what do we do?" Laura asked. "We can't just leave them with this."

"Yeah. You're right. We have to do something." Ashley said. I shook my head.

"Guys, it's fine. Leave it alone."

"We can prank them. They are the badboys of the school, right? So, it will throw them off guard. They will realize that they aren't the only troublemakers." Lean continued, ignoring my previous comment.

Laura and Ashley nodded their head in excitement while I shook my head. "I don't want to be a troublemaker," I say. They know I stay out of trouble as much as possible.

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