Chapter 18

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Settling down with the love of your life is one of the greatest dreams a man could ever want. Finding that one girl to complete that missing puzzle of my life would make me feel amazing, perfect. To be with her for the rest of my life, and honestly, I was hoping it would be Bailey.

Funny thing is, she hasn’t even told me she loves me. Though I fully understand that this was all new to her, and I’m good with waiting. At least, I know she’s just not ready to commit because she too told me that she don’t ever want to lose me. And to top it all off, ever since I confessed that I love her, she hasn’t been pushing me away.

I guess she’s just afraid to say those three words that could either make or break her. Though one thing is for sure, when she says those words I know she meant it sincerely and I know I won’t ever let her go.

My thoughts snapped as soon as I saw her move in the bed. Stretching her body and rolling on to her side, hugging the pillow. I would have grabbed the pillow and replaced my body with it, but I didn’t want to wake her up and probably give her a heart attack in the morning.

Last night’s events were still fresh to me. It was something I wouldn’t imagine. Bailey getting drunk, though I knew it was all on me for not coming soon as I dropped Colin off. But I was glad I came in right in time before she was too drunk to even notice me. The only good side about it was I babysat her. It was the happiest I had seen her, twirling around the room, dancing with high hopes. And even though she didn’t know what she has been doing, I saw that confidence in her.

She was child-like, but I wouldn’t get tired of watching her, smiling back at me. The glint in her eyes shows me that she returns that love, but still waiting for that perfect moment where she could actually say it and mean it. Just remembering the events last night, I shook my head as I stood up smiling from all the thoughts that were clouding up my mind. And I’m not even complaining.

Heading out to the kitchen, I prepared some breakfast. Waffles and strawberries, her favourite was part of the menu I have planned. Okay, so maybe this was something spontaneous and I was glad that I have the ingredients. It pays off for hanging out at the grocery on weekdays. Not only do I get to see my girl, but also make my stomach filled up with goodies.

This idea was something I have been dreaming to happen to me. Though maybe, I was hoping for it to happen the other way around, by me being surprised by my girl for breakfast in bed.

For a movie buff, it was something that kept me dreaming for an event in the future. To spend my lazy day in bed having breakfast with that special girl was more than enough for me to smile a lifetime. Cheesy, I know but these small things makes life enjoyable.

Another thing that would make it to my list would be waking up beside the one you love. That immense feeling building up within you just by watching her sleep in your arms would make my heart flutter in heaven. That certain smile in the morning would make you feel safe and loved.  And just by looking at her right now, makes my lips twitch into a smile. An endless smile I would never get tired of.

She was like the bright lights which illuminated my dark world. Fascinating.

As I walked back to the bedroom, with breakfast bed tray in hand, I was greeted by that warm smile I have been waiting. “Good morning, Bailey.”

“Good morning…” She greeted back, rather confused at how she ended in my bed. Or maybe, it even hasn’t entered her mind that she was in my room the whole time. Her eyes were wandering off like she was lost in an enchanting forest, although my room was all white and simple.

Walking over to her, she saw the tray in my hand and she began to sit up, hurrying herself out of bed. I looked at her shocked, but she waved her hand off and motioned for the bathroom. Instructed her the bathroom whereabouts, I waited back in bed with her breakfast. After a couple of minutes, she came back smiling, leaning on the door frame, unsure of what to do.

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