Chapter 12

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Just like rules, plans can be broken or changed. The whole weekend was set for the boys’ rest day and as much as I wanted to spend the whole time with Bailey to get to know her deeper, she backed out the last minute saying something had come up, and since then I haven’t heard from her.

Her phone seems to be off the whole time which could only mean that something is up, or she’s just busy with work. Apparently, Xander is her new boss at a new job she’s taken in apart from the supermarket deal. And with that, I wonder if she’ll have more time to spare with me.

 As I got inside the supermarket, I saw her pushing off a cart full of boxes. “Hey Bailey,” I greeted and it seems like she’s not in the mood, perhaps she has been tired the whole day. Not once did I see her smile or even look at me and I was worried, my intuition says two things, either she’s mad at me for something, or simply not in the mood to be hollered at. Though I hope it’s the latter one.

She continued working without getting distracted with my usual antics, one I’m sure that if this happened during the previous days, I’d get countless slaps in my arm, but not once did she do that.

I’m getting crazy, ain’t I? Who would want to be slapped in the arm?

“Ah the pretty boy is back!” Kevin teased as he slung his arm around my shoulders, sort of gripping it tightly with his hands, waking me up from my thoughts, and as usual, Bailey was out of my sight. Nothing is new.

“Where did she go?”

“Next aisle, dreamer.” He snickered as he walked past me, raising his hand up in the air, waving ‘see you later’.

I nodded and went ahead. But before I could reach the aisle, Martin called me for a minute to talk about some things.

“Hey John, how are you?” He asked as he was staring to Bailey who was in front of us, despite that he pulled me in one corner, hopefully trying to talk with me privately.

“I’m good. What about you man?” I asked and he said he was fine.

“Listen, I need a favour.” Martin spoke up and my gut feeling tells me it was something about Bailey, as he kept straight at her like she was a child that needed assistance all day. I was simply curious right now.

“Sure, what’s up?”

Martin looked around the place before speaking up. It was the first time he would be asking me to do some things for him and when he was comfortable with the idea, he started to talk. “It’s about Bailey. I’m worried about her.”

He whispered when he mentioned the name Bailey as he observed the area around us. People were either busy doing their grocery shopping or filling up the shelves with the products.

That topic was one that got me curious. I’m at the point that I can tell you I really like her and so with that, I was utterly curious what was wrong. “What happened?”

“She didn’t eat during break time. Heck, she didn’t even punch in for breaks.” Martin explained as I remembered Xander called me earlier and told me the same thing. This would only mean that she hasn’t eaten all day.

Just as I was about to speak up, Martin continued his story. “She hasn’t been the same jolly Bailey we all know. She has been quiet the whole day, not talking to anyone, not even me.”

That was true though, considering the lack of response I got from Bailey a few minutes ago. “She hasn’t been responsive to me either.” I stated a fact. The last time she has been talking to me normally was Saturday, but that was just through text.

What happened last Saturday?

“I know you guys have been pretty close lately, but have you done something?” He asked, and I was a bit offended. First of all, hurting Bailey would hurt me too. Second, if I did hurt her then she would probably still talk to other people.

I simply shook my head. “No, but I will find out. Gotta go now.”

Immediately after Bailey was done and was about to move to another aisle, I cut the conversation I was having with Martin short.

Bailey went on to another lane, organizing each product and led them to their right place. Now pushing her empty cart, she went near the entrance and parked it there.

As she turned around, she took a glimpse of me and walked off pissed, rolling her eyes. That gesture stabbed me in the chest with a knife, knowing she was mad at me. But the thing is, I have no idea what I did wrong.

Following her the whole time while she was working was my only option. I didn’t want to make a scene right then and there because I know for a fact, she hated getting attention and I don’t want to ruin any more chances. Only if I still have a chance, considering how she has been treating me tonight, like I never existed.

“Bailey…” I called, trying to make things work and yet, she was still hooked on what she was doing. I know she wouldn’t stop right now just to talk to me so I decided I’d talk whatever was on my mind, albeit the lack of response from her.

“You haven’t eaten all day.” I trailed off. “You should eat or you’re gonna get sick.”

“So? It’s my life, not yours.” She retorted blandly.

My chest ached from what she uttered. It was as if the knife was still present and continued to poke me in the chest. “I care about you.”

 “People should stop dragging me in their life, you know. It’s as if I was a game and everyone wanted to make a shot at me.” She uttered, which got me confused.

What was she talking about? “What do you mean?”

“Nothing, just leave me alone.” She whispered loudly as she pushed me back away from her. Clearly, she was mad at me for something I did, but I still can’t remember anything that happened.

Instead of pulling away like she asked, I followed her. I know I can be stubborn at times, but Bailey is so worth it and I just can’t leave her alone like that knowing she was hurting because of me, though the exact reason is still hidden.

She continued to ignore me the whole time while I was waiting for their closing time so I could perhaps talk to her more and bring her home. Though, it would be weird to bring her home now knowing Jaq is back and is staying with Jill.

How small is the world getting at? Jaq and Bailey in the same house together. I just wish they won’t talk about the past. I mean, that’s not even important anymore.

A couple of minutes later, Colin was done and was ready to go home. After checking on Bailey if she was done, I told her I would come pick her up just like last time, after bringing Colin home. She didn’t say a word, though I know she heard me.

“Hey Shannon, have you seen Bailey?” I asked as I returned back to the supermarket after dropping Colin off, and well, I haven’t seen her as I strolled around, thinking she might be inside the employees’ lounge, waiting for me.

Shannon gave me a confused look as she turned to face me. “I thought you took her home?”

Huh? “What do you mean?”

“I saw her rode a black, heavy tinted car earlier. Someone picked her up. We all thought it was you.” Shannon explained, and that just got me curious who could have picked her up.

For all I know, no, wait, actually I have no clue about her family or relatives living near the area. I guess, we haven’t made it to that part of our so-called relationship. If you want to call it that.

“Does pretty boy here have a competition?” As if on cue, Kevin showed up, smirking beside me. I swear, that guy has massive x-ray vision. He shows up on the right timing.

“Who picked her up?” I asked, sounding too demanding for someone who’s not even sure where he stands in Bailey’s life.

Friends. Of course, we’re just friends.

“Just like I said, I have no idea.” Shannon reiterated as I realized they were all smiling at me.

“What?” I asked, annoyed.

“Someone’s definitely jealous…” Shannon giggled as my fists clenched at my sides, controlling the boiling rage inside of me.

Yeah, I am jealous.

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