Chapter 11

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* Bailey’s POV *

Have you ever felt so bad that you’re body wants to give up? I did. That’s when I realized that I wasn’t something important to John. I was just a game, a rebound that when the girl of his dreams comes back, I’m nothing to him anymore.

My knees felt wiggly as my heart ached. I need to get away from this before anyone sees me. Running away was my only option. Peeking over my shoulders, I assured that no one was following me, nor have seen me getting away from the scene I dreaded to see the most.

I depended too much on Jill’s story that she was gone, but in all honesty, maybe that was also part of the game. Blood is thicker than water, anyway.

As I ran away, I felt people around me looking my way, snickering, perhaps they were seeing I was a mess and someone crazy. Paranoia was striking in my face. I know I’m exaggerating all these but I was so down and miserable and everything that was happening, I came up with a negative excuse of why I don’t have that many friends, of why people hated me.

Just when I was I knew that I like him, this happens. Great timing as always.

If I only have an idea why I am punished for, I’d accept it wholeheartedly, but no. I have no freaking idea what I did wrong.

Someone tell me, please…

And the funny thing is, my prayers were answered. “Hi Bailey, it’s sure nice to see you coming to see me.” A husky voice spoke up as I hid in an alleyway.

The unknown man walked towards me and step by step, I could see the owner of the voice. He was somewhat a little bit older and taller than I was. He was wearing a fitted button down shirt that show off his muscular arms and defined chest.  He had a sly smirk on his face; his eyes were sparkling a bit like there was something I needed to know.

Actually, there is really something that was bothering me. How did he know my name? Furrowing my eyebrows, I tried to remember where I have met him but nothing came into my mind. Nothing.

As if he realized my confusion, he spoke up once again. “You don’t know me, but I sure as hell know you.” He uttered as his posse all laughed wickedly. There was some tone I could sense and I’m scared shitless.

But I can’t tell them that. I need to try compose myself and act calmer. “Who are you then? How did you know of me? What do you want?”

Grinning, he looked over his gang before answering my questions. “Calm down, Bailey.” Calm down, my ass. “I’m not here to rush things; in fact, I don’t have anything to do this weekend. We can catch up?”

He moved forward, closing the gap between us, but the two men who were standing on his sides stayed put. That was my cue to leave. However, more men came in view and stopped me from moving further away. There were now a total of six men surrounding me; all muscled up ready to tore me apart.

Turning around meeting the guy’s eyes once again, he smirked. “Leaving so soon? We still haven’t had any fun yet.”

“What do you want?” I courage up and asked again. Though I know for a fact, this wouldn’t end well.

He went so close to me, pinning me to the wall. His forefinger and thumb went under my chin, sort of like scrutinizing me and ordering me to look at him. “So rude of me, I haven’t even introduced myself.” He smiled and then looked at his crew for some manly cheering. “I’m Xavier.”

Xavier.  Xavier. Xavier. I don’t know anyone named Xavier.

“As I told you before, you don’t know me. But I do know you.” He snickered, earning smirks from his army, who looked like bouncers in a club.

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