~ Chapter 6 ~

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''Van turn the music down!''  Kyle shouted.

''Oh hell no, this is so much fun!'' I shouted back.

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you
Cause I'll forget but I'll never forgive you
Don't you know, don't you know
True friends stab you in the fro-

''Okay Van, Kyle's right, for once..'' Blake said.

''It's not fair, my music is awesome!!!'' I pouted.

Okay so let me begin telling you what's happening. 

Today is friday afternoon so that means we are going now to the lake and it's a 2 hour drive.  School today went by pretty quick because I could only focus on this moment.  We would be staying at the lake until sunday morning and then head back home.

And now this scene, so Blake came to pick me up so I sat in the passenger seat.  Then I put my music and then, much to my dismay, we had to pick Kyle up and also the other man-whores Sean and Chad.

So now we were 1 hour into the drive and I had Bring me the Horizon playing in the car.  I loved to listen a bit of it in a long car ride.  It makes it more interesting and fun, right?

Well moving on, as I was saying, I'm very excited to finally go to the lake, it was years since I've been there.  We always had so much fun at the lake, playing, swimming, etc.  I could see everybody was also very excited to get there soon. 

We were all in three cars, the entire squad and the 3 man-whores and 2 whores, that was the idea of stupid Sean and Chad.  I seriously hated those two, luckyly they were in another car, away from me. I'm sure they will be more preocupied if they brake a freaking nail that having fun and not giving a toss about anything.

''Are we there yet?'' I asked with my head on the window bored as hell, since they turned off my awesome music.

''Just 5 more minutes Van, be patient,'' Blake said.

I simply scoffed, like that wasn't a lot of time.

''Van just relax, we will be there in no time,'' Kyle said.

I simply rolled my eyes and looked again out the window.  There were only trees and more trees and oh surprise, more freaking trees.  Don't get me wrong, I do love the outdoors but it's just when you were in a car with 4 dudes and no music, you kind of get bored.

So after 5 minutes, more or less, we indeed arrive at the lake.  I jumped out the car and started running to the lake, good thing I had my bikini on already so I didn't have to wait to put it on and then after a while, get in the lake. 

As I was running towards it, someone pushed me back.

''You jerk!'' I screamed.

Kyle turned around and started running backwards and said, ''thank you sweetheart!''.

I rolled my eyes and started to run up to where he was and then when I reached I kicked him in the butt and he fell over.  In this kind of situations you would laugh like I did at first but then I saw his face and my smile droped.


''You are in big trouble Kingsley!'' He screamed.

I started running like there was no tomorrow towards the lake and I was so close yet so far.  I ran and ran until I was about to jump-

''Ahhhhh!'' I screamed.

''Got'cha,'' Kyle smirked as he placed me on his shoulder.

''Put me back to the floor! HELP!'' I screamed again.

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