"I am not your mate. My mate is still out there and I belong to him and only him. You can not have me Alpha and there is nothing that will make me come crawling to you. The only reason you want me is because you can't find your mate. But, just because you can't, it does not mean you can go around taking other peoples mates or forcing others to be yours" she says furiously as she storms away from him and out of cafe.

I turn to face Mr Collins to see anger flash in his eyes and a scowl on his face, but it quickly disappears and a smirk reappears.

"Just wait and watch. Soon you'll be mine, whether it's by your free will or not" he murmurs before walking out of the cafe as well.

I am left standing there in shock and confusion as everything plays in my head again.

'What is with this 'mate' and 'Alpha' thing?'

I thought about what just happened and then realisation hit me.

'One day, a beautiful women came to town. She was absolutely stunning an was kind-hearted as well as generous. Luck seemed to be on James' side as he had finally found her: his soul mate.
He asked her out but she refused saying she wasn't interested and that although she believed in soul mates, that she wasn't his.'

I felt a pull suddenly and I looked around me.

The cafe was whirring around me as I stood still.

'What's happening?' I thought as I closed my eyes as wind hit my face.

I reopened my eyes a minute later as the wind had stopped and found myself in a living room.

'What the...?'

I looked around and found the living room very familiar. As if I had been there multiple times before.

I was bought out of my thoughts by voices upstairs.

I listened carefully but couldn't make out any of the voices but only that it was a mans and a women who sounded agitated.

I slowly turned and walked towards the stairs and looked up at them.

The voices became clearer but I still wasn't able to make the words out.

I bit my lip and took hesitant steps upstairs until I stopped at a door where the voices came from.

"Let me say this again: you will be my mate whether you like it or not. If you don't there will be consequences witch" I hear a familiar males voice.

My eyebrows come together in confusion and I slowly open the door to see who it is.

Mr Collins was standing in front of Jasons' mom looking absolutely livid.

"What consequences?" she asks in a low voice, anger radiating off of her.

"I wonder, how are your parents in their beach house. I mean aren't you worried that they're unprotected and there powers do not work anymore due to the incident with the rogues. I mean, it would be very easy for someone to break into their house and kidnap them wouldn't it?" Mr Collins asks feigning innocence.

I gasped and watched as fear flash in her eyes.

He had her parents.

"What did you do!" She screamed.

My Obsessive Stalker (werewolf story)Where stories live. Discover now