"Hey, you may have a baby bump, but you are still so gorgeous it's unfair to the rest of the woman on earth. I'm behaving for you and our kids, but after they are born, no guarantees." he said in a deep voice.

"Alright, but we are going to wait a while after we have the triplets. They are going to need us for a while, and I don't just want to leave them moment they are born for wild ass sex....... well technically we could, but I'm not." I said.

"Of course you won't, because you are going to be a great mother." Jack said, "Now, why don't we get ready. I'll help you." he said.

"No, I can do it myself." I said, "I have to be able to."

"Elsa, no. You could fall or something."

"Jack, trust me, okay?" I said softly and he took a deep breath in and let out a sigh.

"Alright, but please be careful." he said.

"I will. Trust me, nothing is going to happen." I said, "Now spy suit up."

He chuckled at me, then hesitantly walked out of my room. I slowly stood up groaning a little, and walked to my bathroom. It still hurt to walk, but it wasn't excruciating like before. I was just all sore from being sawed open. It sort of felt like after Jack and me had sex that one time for like 6 hours straight sore.... only a smidge worse.

Anyway, I took a bath and cleaned myself up, then dressed in my spy suit and combat boots. With the strong tight material of the suit holding me all in, you honestly couldn't tell I was pregnant, the bump just seemed to vanish. In a month or so though, not even the suit would be able to hide the fact that I'm pregnant.

Thank God for small miracles. It will be a secret from Pitch just in the perfect amount of time!

I did my hair and makeup on my bed so stood up as little as possible, just incase the pain was more sever than I realized. When I was finished, I stood up again, and walked over to Jack's room.

I didn't have to knock or get a key. Jack always wanted me to have access to his room, so he had my eyes added to the scanner that locked the door. I scanned them, then walked inside.

I didn't want to rush him or anything since he has been so sweet, so I sat down on the couch, and relaxed. According to the security cameras, only Anna and Kristoff were here, so I had time.

When Jack came out, he was in his suit and boots, and smiled at me.

"So...... sure you don't want to fake illness?" he asked.

"I'm fine Jack." I said, "Come on, the more I use my legs, the better I will be."

"Fine." he said, "At least hold my hand."

"If it will make you feel better, then sure." I said. I stood up and took his hand, "Now, to the meeting room."

He nodded and started walking along side me. Together, we made our way into the meeting room, and Jack rushed me into a seat. He strategically planned it out so I would sit between him and Manny, which I thought was unnecessary.

Then again he promised not to disobey and be over protective of me on the mission, not outside of them. Him using technicalities.

"So.... Jack, using technicalities I see." I said.

"I have no idea what you mean Snowflake." Jack smirked.

"I hate you."

"You couldn't even if you tried."

"Do you really want to test that theory out?" I asked, and his eyes widened. Now it is my turn to smirk.

"NO!" he quickly yelled.

"Mmhhh." I hummed, "That's what I thought......... but I honestly don't think I could hate you."

Jack flashed me one of his happy smiled that made the entire world seem brighter.

"Come here you." Jack said, then scooped me up in his arms and let me rest my head on his chest, "You are always going to keep me on my toes, aren't you?" he said softly into my hair.

"I wouldn't want to make things too easy, now would I?"

"No, no you wouldn't." Jack hummed, and he took in a deep breath.

"I love you.... we love you." I said softly.

"I love you too Snowflake. All of you." Jack said. I then closed my eyes, and jack started humming to me, and soon my eyes began to get heavy. I nearly fell asleep, when the door slammed open making both Jack and me yell out.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU WERE PREGNANT!!!" the entire group yelled.

"We sent you those cards." I said holding my chest still panting from shock.

"Yes, letters, no phone call or anything! Just a freak'n picture!" Anna said.

"Anna, calm down. Elsa just had surgery done a few days ago, and she needs to remain calm... meaning no stress." Jack said.

"Why did she have surgery?" Eugene asked.

"Long story." I said, "But yeah, I'm pregnant."

"How far along are you?" Anna asked.

"Only 3 months." I said.

"Yep, three months with our three little troublemakers." Jack smiled, and all their jaws dropped.

"Triplets! You don't even look pregnant." Punzie said, and I'm hinting a little jealousy in her tone. She is 5-6 months along, and has a decent sized baby bump, which no amount of tight spy suit can hide. My bump should be her size already, but my training had it's perks.

"I know, I'm really fit... remember?" I said, "Plus the spy suit is holding in what smidgen of a bump I do have."

"Lucky bitch." Punzie muttered.

Jack glared at her harshly and his whole body tensed up, but I made his face look at me to calm him down. Jack doesn't like anyone calling me names, especially since I became pregnant. He thinks it is like insulting the babies as well as myself.

"Calm down Frosty, I'm a big girl." I said softly and kissed his forehead.

"Okay." he barely breathed out.

"Alrighty boys, can we sit down and get to the actual purpose of the mission?" I said.

"Fine, but we are not dropping this topic." Anna said.

"Alright, so what's the plan?" Hiccup asked while they all took a seat.

"Oh.... Pitch is going to love it." I smirked, "The plan is.....................................

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