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Elsa's POV

I woke up at three in the morning and did my usual workout, then took a long shower. I dressed myself in a pair of denim short shorts, a tight white crop top with gold studs on the chest, a pair of gold strappy heels, a long gold necklace, and painted my nails white. I did light/edgy makeup, and left my hair down.

I made omelets for breakfast, then left for school. Anna was still sleeping, but she stayed up all last night doing God knows what, so she was getting as much sleep as possible. I knew she was responsible and old enough to make it to school on her own. I opened the garage door and saw Jack standing there, only his disguise was on. It was better than most days, and looked almost natural, but still those contacts lenses weren't going to fool me.

"What's up Jackass?" I asked grabbing my bike helmet.

"Nothing, what about you."

"Currently being annoyed for starters." I rolled my eyes, "Now step aside, I have to get to school."

I slipped on my helmet, then got down on my bike. I was about to take off, when I realized he hadn't moved yet.

"Move!" I yelled.

"Or what? It's not like you'll run me over." He smirked.

Oh, he is barking up the wrong tree!

"You're right." I said, then I pressed the buttons on my motorcycle, triggering the guns on my motorcycle to shoot his foot. He fell on the ground screaming in pain, but I just chuckled.

"I wasn't going to run you over, I am going to do far worse. Now get off my lawn." I said, then took off towards school. This was so far a great day!

I haven't gotten to shot anyone in what seemed like ages, well days, but it felt like ages for me.

I sped off to school, and parked my bike. Again, all eyes were on me both glares and lustful stares. I winked at the men making some of them pass out, and glared at the girls making them look away in fear.

Just another morning with the pigs and bitches. Apparently Eugene was either sick or ditching today, because he isn't here.

I walked into the school to my locker ignoring all of the guys invitations to parties and date requests. Thankfully my locker was close by, so I just grabbed my stuff and walked to art. I had no real prank planned for today, so I just sat my head down on the desk and slept.

I never really cared for school, because I already knew everything. To be an agent, you had to be smart and complete school, so my parents taught me everything by the age of 9.

I heard a soft thud coming from my left, and knew it was the new kids. Still I didn't look up or move, just pretended to stay asleep. I almost felt sorry for the new kids. I knew they weren't Nightmares, because if they were, they would have tried to kill me and Anna by now. Still though they were sent to either observe me, and obviously knew nothing about me. They had no idea about my past, how dangerous I was, my magic, nothing. If I was a drug dealer or Nightmare, I would have shot them in the face by now.

I just decided to watch them through my hair that was covering my eyes. Jack was looking directly at me, but he didn't look pissed at me shooting him, he looked at me fascinated. Like he was honestly interested in me and trying to figure me out. It felt weird, because no one looks at me like that, they just glare or drool at me.

When the bell rang, my head snapped up. I grabbed my things and went to chemistry class. There I was joined by Jack aka my partner.

"Hey!" he said chipper.

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