We're Good

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Elsa's POV

I woke up in my room at the agency. I felt nothing but agony, but I didn't let out a whimper. Too much was on my mind right now.

I was so worried for my baby. Was it alright? Did it even make it?

"Manny?" I said softly, "Manny!" I yelled. Then Manny was by my side looking down at me.

"Elsa, what is wrong? How are you feeling?" he asked.

"I feel like my insides are all on fire." I said, "But that's not important. My baby, how is my baby?"

"Elsa, your baby is fine, all of them actually." Manny smiled.

"What? All of them?" I said shocked.

"You are pregnant with triplets." Manny said again, and I let out a little chocked laugh. I moved my hands so they were resting on my stomach and smiled a little.

"I did not see that coming. Even in the womb these three are surprising me, something tells me they are going to be like a certain someone that I know." I said.

"Yeah, reminds me of someone I know." Manny smiled, "I'm going to get you some pain medicine. It will stop the burning feeling."

"No, I want no drugs. Nothing that could effect my babies. I can handle the pain like it's my job." I said, "I just want these three to be alright, that's all I want."

"Well they are." Manny said, "Dr. Robinson made sure he was extremely careful while doing your hip replacement. He said you got here just in time. You almost didn't make it though, you lost a lot of blood."

"Be serious Manny, we all knew I was going to make it. I'm a warrior, it's in my DNA." I said. I smiled mentally remembering way back in high school when I sang Warrior to describe myself. Yeah, I was a warrior, always have been. Fighting is what I do best and was born to do.

"I know." Manny said, "You've always had a lot of fight in you."

"Yeah, that's good though. I can protect myself and these three..... what am I going to do about them Manny?" I asked, "I don't want them to have a life like I did, but I know with Jack and my genes, they have a high likelihood of being like me. We can't let them just go out on the streets, they could do some serious damage."

"Elsa, relax. You do whatever you think is best. I know you always make the best decisions, no matter how hard they are. Your a smart girl, so don't worry."

I took in a deep breath and nodded.


"Okay then, I'll grab some food for you. How does Thai sound?"

"Good." I smiled, "Pick up a lot though, I'm eating for four." I said

"Alright, I'll be back soon. Just remain calm and stay here. Your not going to be able to walk for a few days."

"Alright." I said and he nodded. He kissed my head, then left.

I lied back and smiled.

"Triplets... damn. I went and had invetro done over 30 times, and nothing. Then the last time you three made it. Guess you guys are the strongest of the bunch, but hey, there is nothing wrong with that. Why when mommy was a wee baby like yourselves, I would kick my mother so hard she would actually get bruises, and I once cracked one of her ribs." I said to my stomach, "She never minded though, she always told my dad that it was a good sign, that I was strong like you little guys. Now I don't care if you cracked a rib or bruise me, though I would appreciate it if you didn't. The pain of giving birth to you three will be plenty for me."

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