Chapter 13- Sasuke and Naruto Clash

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Naruto decided to head back on over to his room. He was feeling a little bushed from running away. He just didn't want Sasuke to find him thats all. Sasuke seemed a little too overly obsessed with Naruto. So he had to get away from him.

"I hope I don't come across him while on my way back." Naruto looked around. He thought about their kiss in the open field. He regretted it so much, but loved it genuinely. Why is it that they became rivals to almost lovers, then avoiding buddies? Naruto didn't know the answer. He felt like Team 7 was being broken up. He hardly saw much of Sakura, Sasuke was always nearby when it came to Naruto. Kakashi Sensei hardly gave them missions to do. While all the other sensei's were out with their teams doing D or A ranked missions.

That didn't really matter right now. After all, Naruto didn't feel like joining up with Team 7 anymore. He wanted a different team, Like Kiba, Shino and Hinata. They had strength in numbers. Naruto thought he'd think about this later. He wanted to go home and sleep.

He dragged his legs all the way to his house. He wanted to just sleep, sleep, and sleep! He could sleep for days. Someone told him it took him a whole month just to wake up. He chuckled to himself. He finally got to his room, he twisted the knob. Suprisingly, he must have forgot to lock it. Why would he forget something like that? He pushed open the door. Then stopped. Something felt wrong. He wasn't alone but he was pretty sure it was just his imagination.

Naruto shrugged and came inside. Closing the door gently behind him. He dragged himself to the bed. A huge yawn escaped his throat.

"Boy am I tired!" Naruto stretched, the fixed a pillow and layed back. He felt something move beside him. Naruto froze, then screamed. He jumped out of bed and looked at the object in his bed.

Sasuke popped up as quickly as he can. "Naruto!"

"Get out! What are you doing here? In my b-bed!" Naruto pointed towards the door.

"I was waiting for you. You sure do take your sweet ass time to get here." Sasuke's eyes were filled with sorrow. They almost made Naruto feel sorry for him.

"What for? After I told you I don't want to see you." Naruto felt anger rising in his chest. He only wanted to be left alone.

"Yeah but, you can't just kiss me and then avoid me? Whats the point! We locked lips! You like me Naruto! Admit it!" Sasuke jumped off the bed and stood in front of Naruto.

"I did...until you became an obsessed idiot!" Naruto yelled back. He used a lot of force on the last word.

"So you admit it. You do like me huh?" Sasuke 's voice dropped. His low ton sounded menacing. Sasuke crossed his arms and the shadows of the dark fell on his face.

"I said I did. Not anymore." Naruto turned around and started for the door. He didn't really want to face Sasuke right now.

"Hey!" Sasuke took a step forward and grabbed Naruto's arm. Just like before.

"Let go of me!" Naruto tried to pull his arm away.

"Why can't you see it? It's so obvious Naruto!" Sasuke growled.

Naruto pulled out of Sasuke's grasp and then pushed Sasuke away from him. "See what? I don't see a thing, but a useless obsessed idiot!"

"You love me Naruto." Sasuke said.

The words struck Naruto right in the heart. Making Naruto's breath stop in an instant. Those words rang in his head over and over again. 'You love me Naruto'

"Yeah your right Sasuke. I do love you...but I definitely do not like you. I can't be with you in Team 7 anymore. Being in the same team with you is just going to cause more trouble between us. We're all already broken up. So what's the point? If this is this only way to get through to you." Naruto placed his hands together.

"Naruto what are you doing?" Sasuke bent over alertly waiting for whatever was going to happen next.

"Getting you out of my life." Naruto growled. Sasuke thought he seen a tear fall from Naruto's eye.

"Shadow clone jutsu!" Naruto yelled. Three other clones of Naruto popped beside the real Naruto. They all jumped for Sasuke.

"No!" Sasuke jumped out of the way.

The Naruto's crashed into the wall. One of them looked at Sasuke with a serious look. His eyebrows were arched. Sasuke didn't even know which one was Naruto and he wasn't planning on using the Sharingan right now. Especially on Naruto. But if Naruto used that chakra, he had no choice to use the Sharingan. The clone came for Sasuke again. Sasuke started to smarten up a bit. He kicked the clone in the chest.

"Ahh!" The clone cried out and exploded in smoke. Disappearing.

The other two clones came after Sasuke, trampling him into the wall. That gave the real Naruto some time to escape out of the window.

"Naruto! Get back here!" Sasuke cried out and threw off the two other clones. Smashing them into the wall in front of him. When they exploded, Sasuke jumped out of the window and followed Naruto. He was going in a very familiar direction. "Naruto!" Sasuke yelled again.

Naruto disappeared in the deep green trees. He lead Sasuke to a wide opening. The same wide opening where they kissed.

"Naruto what are we doing here?" Sasuke looked around.

"Re-living that kiss, but in a more aggressive manner." Naruto threw a kunai at Sasuke. It hit him in the shoulder.

"Ow!" Sasuke wasn't aware of the kunai. It traveled the speed of lightning. He grabbed the wound on his shoulder.

"Want another?" Naruto spun another kunai on his index finger.

"Stop Naruto." Sasuke winced at the pain on his arm.

Naruto stopped spinning it and then gripped it in his hand. "Here!" He threw another at Sasuke.

Sasuke growled and dodged the kunai this time. It was traveling the speed of lightning again. If Sasuke used the Sharingan he would be able to see it coming after him. "Okay. This is where I get serious,Naruto."

"Finally you lose that look of distraught on your face." Naruto smirked. It was like it wasn't even him. It looked like everything was reversed. Naruto acted like Sasuke and Sasuke acted like Naruto.

"I'll finish this quick.You just need to stop playing around." Naruto set his fingers on the ground. He was doing something to the ground.

"Finish me?" Sasuke repeated.

"Yeah." Naruto sneered.

"What are you-" Sasuke felt a rumble underneath his feet. Four shadow clones came bursting from under, and grabbed Sasuke's limbs. "What?!"

"This will be quick!" Naruto summoned two more shadow clones and starting building up chakra on his hands.

Sasuke stopped struggling against the strength of the clones. He decided he just had to give up. It's not what Itachi taught him to do, but he needed to. He couldn't fight someone he loved. Naruto came at Sasuke. It all went in slow motion. Naruto and Sasuke's face came in front of each other.

"I love you." Sasuke whispered.

Naruto struck Sasuke. "Goodbye Sasuke."

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