Unlikely Hero

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I rolled over to only be blinded by the sun glaring into my eyes. I was back at work today and I was not looking forward to it. After my encounter with the notorious Dean Ambrose I had spent the last two weeks wasting my time off hiding out. I don't know why but I became super paranoid he would stalk me. I jumped out of bed and grabbed a quick shower. Dried and dressed myself in my work attire, smart skinny black chino's, a white pretty blouse and a black cardigan on top to keep me warm if it got cold. I did my hair and some basic makeup. I worked in a an office so I had to dress completely opposite to myself, smart. I grabbed my work heels and headed downstairs. Chloe had already poured a coffee in my travel mug and placed my breakfast into a paper bag. I never ate before I left for work. I preferred to relax in my office, alone to refresh myself before work. I said goodbye to her as she suffered on the sofa from yet another hang over. She came home alone last night. A first for everything. I drove all the way to work only to be pissed of by not only traffic making me late, there was also no parking space outside my work. I was forced to park four blocks away. I didn't mind too much because I was getting used to it now. I was more pissed about losing out on ten minutes of my alone before work time. I finally got in and sat at my desk with the door closed. I sipped my coffee and tucked into my breakfast of pancakes. Once done I cleared the food left overs away and placed my coffee to one side. This was going to be a long day. 

It got to 8 o'clock pm when I finally got everyone caught up on the recent tasks. Who ever was in charge while I was away really didn't push anyone to do their work hard enough. I tidied my desk as people began to leave for home. They all looked fed up but understood why we had to stay behind an extra three hours. I was the last person leaving and I locked up behind me. I exhaled relieved to be done with the day and began my slow walk four blocks away back to my car. I got to the second block when I noticed a man had been walking behind me the first two blocks. I didn't think much till I checked the time and decided to pick up the pace. As my pace picked up so did his. The last two blocks we're pretty empty. Not anyone around so I began to feel nervous. I looked behind me and stopped walking to not see the guy. Relief washed over me. I told myself I was paranoid. I continued to walk and pulled my car keys out ready. I turned onto the final block and the same man who was behind me moments ago was stood in front of me blocking the path. "Excuse me" I smiled stepping by him but he grabbed my wrist. Immediately I panicked and yanked my wrist from him. I ran towards my car pushing the fob to unlock it. I yanked my car door open but it closed as I was pushed into it full force. I dropped to the floor in pain. The man grabbed my hair and began to pull me towards an ally. I grabbed the bunch up hair in his fist and kicked violently screaming in fear. He dragged me along the floor until I suddenly dropped back with a thud as he let go. I sat up hearing a fight behind and when I looked I couldn't tell who was who because of the street light glaring in my eyes. 

After a minute the guy who attacked me was unconscious on the floor. My savoir got off the criminal and stepped towards me. "You ok?" His familiar voice asked. I nodded still holding my head. He really hurt me. A hand appeared in front of my face offering to help me up. I took it and stood to my feet. His face now in view I couldn't believe who it was. "Dean?" He was looking me over, checking for any harm that could have come to me. I stood in shock. What the hell was he doing here? Coincidence maybe?  "What you doing walking these kinda street's this late?" he asked turning stern and serious. "I was going to my car to go home. I have been at work" I explained like a child in trouble. "So you parked four blocks away?" What the hell? Had he been following me? "Don't worry I'm not a stalker. My cousin works at the same office as you. I saw you earlier when I went to meet him for his lunch break" I nodded relieved. "Yeah you better run!" He yelled at my abuser as he got up and ran off down the street. He turned back to me. "You ok to drive home?" "I should be". His hand came up to my cheek. His thumb swirling circles gently. He seemed so kind and soft right now. But I wasn't fooled. "I'm really grateful for you helping me but I really should be getting home" I pulled away from his touch and walked back over to my car. He followed me stopping me from closing the door. "Can you at least give me a ride?" I froze unsure of what to do. He was a dangerous man, but on the other hand he did just save me from what ever that bastard planned to do to me. I gripped the steering wheel tight. Deans eyes moved from me to my hands then back to me again. "Ok, get in" I said not wanting to make him walk home after what he did for me. 

You don't own me (A Dean Ambrose fanfic smut)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon