It all came from nowhere

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I rolled my eyes at my mom as she continued to look through the menu like an excited child. I guess she hadn't eaten a meal out of her own kitchen in a while. My parents had been visiting for three days now and I was starting to want my own space. We had gone to an Italian restaurant in hope for my parents to get to know Dean a bit more. My dad's idea. It seemed like he was really warming up to the idea of Dean, almost like he was forcing the idea of Dean onto me. I was becoming worried he could see right through the whole thing but I shook it off telling myself I was paranoid. "You ok?" Dean whispered into my ear making me jump back from my worry. He took my hands with his hand to stop me fiddling with my napkin in my lap. Worry in his eyes I gave a soft smile and nodded yes to signal I was ok. I dropped the napkin and continued to try and pay attention as everyone ordered their food. Not hearing a thing still under all my worry I just asked for the same as Dean. I was pleasantly surprised when a pasta dish was placed in front of me. A lot healthier and fancy compared to the stuff he normally ate. "Don't they look adorable dear" My mom smiled beaming at myself and Dean as we ate silently next to each other. I felt uncomfortable as she kept watching us. I was losing my appetite fast. "Cassie is the adorable one" I choked on  my mouthful as Dean said the unthinkable. Continuing cough I kept my stare down feeling myself flush red as my parents and Dean began to chuckle at my misfortune. Once I managed to get my breath back I used my napkin to wipe my lips glaring at Dean when my parents went back to their food. "No need to act so shocked dear" Dean smirked at me. I growled lowly at him only just loud enough that he could hear. "Your pushing your luck Ambrose" I decided I had enough. Placing my knife and fork onto the plate I grabbed my glass of wine and clung onto it for dear life sipping it slowly. "So Dean, have you ever given children a thought" Now it was time for Dean to choke as my mom brought up something even I knew would make him uncomfortable. "I have never really given it much thought" He answered honestly after wiping his mouth with the napkin. His plate was now empty. I wanted my parents to hurry up and finish. It was one moment awkward silence then suddenly awkward questioning. The torture was unbearable. "I would hope Cassie could give me at least three grandchildren. I don't care what gender. Three is all I would want" I continued to hold my glass of wine close to my lips wishing they conversation would just stop. I couldn't help but feel guilty for Dean right now. If he wasn't scared away enough by my parents as it was he certainly was now. "I personally always thought if I was to have kids I would have four. Rather more or none at all" My jaw dropped as my eyes snapped to Dean. He was holding his glass of whine sitting contently looking back at my mom. Was he serious?

"That would be lovely. Just make sure Cassie looks after her figure after each child. Women in our family have tendencies to get a bit pudgy after pregnancy" "MOM!" I had to cut her off. She was taking it a bit too far now. "Well it's true" I sunk back into my seat sulking as Dean and my dad chuckled lightly. 'Please just hurry up and eat!' I thought to myself as My dad was now taking his sweet time. After what felt like a life time my dad finally finished eating and we was paying the bill and on our way back home. Myself and Dean followed my parents out the door silently. Before I could even get into the back seat Dean grabbed my hand forcing me to stop. "Why don't you come back to mine tonight?" I gulped at his suggestion as he moved a lose hair off my cheek and behind my ear. I'd missed close contact with Dean. I hoped I was over it but right now just from that one action tingles ran up and down my spine. "Go sweety, Me and your dad will be fine" My mom smiled snatching the house keys from my hand. I was about to object but then my dad pulled off leaving me stood with Dean awkwardly. "Come on" He grabbed my hand lacing his fingers with my own leading me straight down the high street. I stayed silent allowing him to lead me eventually down a road, then another and then another till soon we came to a street with really nice houses. Within seconds of being on this street I recognized a house from a picture Dean had showed me back at his mom's. The house was larger than I originally thought. The garden was pristine perfect, I knew eventually it wouldn't be this way. I didn't cut Dean out to be the gardening house proud type. He led me up the drive not once saying a word. Unlocking the door and leading me inside a scent of vanilla and raspberry's hit me. I raised an eyebrow as I took in the fact he had it furnished already. "What?" He smirked at me amused. "Not only does it smell nice in here but you have good taste in furniture" I was truly amazed. Everything was modern yet stylish. I slid my shoes off not really paying attention to Dean now as I looked around in awe. This house was not only bigger than my parents, it was nicer too. Heading into what looked like the front room I smiled, many pictures set around each surface and wall of his friends and family. I paused and stood still in front of a picture I had completely forgot about. It was from a night out, myself clinging onto Dean's arm as we're both grinning mischievously at the camera. 

You don't own me (A Dean Ambrose fanfic smut)Where stories live. Discover now