Lack of motivation

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I had been sat in this meeting for an hour now. I was so unbelievably bored and distracted. The past week back at work was a real temper tester for me. My new boss was a complete ass, a few of my co-workers had heard about mine and Dean's short lived relationship through who else but Chloe! Yep well a few of them do know her from back in college. The final thing that had been bugging me was the fact I couldn't get my work done. I was always zoning out. I wasn't thinking of anything particular, I just couldn't concentrate. "Cassie? You have any opinions?" I shot my attention back to my boss. I remembered we had been talking about percentages with our stocks before? Or was it a business deal? I looked behind him at the chart showing a possible rise in targets if we take on a few new partners on the lower end of the market. I knew I could save myself. "Well the small business's would surely benefit from our input. Not only will they have our support and guidance but financially we will not only benefit them but ourselves. The rise in the yearly earnings after the cut backs have been made could double and in years to come triple. That could mean on a 20% return alone we could make our money back within say...five years. After that it is just extra cash that comes back to the business accounts" I bit my lip as everyone in the meeting room became silent. My boss nodded agreeing with my input. I let out a breath of relief when everyone else agreed and they continued to talk numbers. I zoned out again staring out the fifteenth floor window across the city. The sun was setting and I knew it would be home time soon. Home time. The time of day I go home to an empty house and sit alone, have dinner alone, watch a stupid movie...alone. I used to love being alone, I liked the silence and calm. This past week was different. I felt empty. I felt like something was missing. Was I missing Dean? I didn't think so. I got over the whole feeling bad pretty quickly. I didn't think so at first but now I knew a part of it was how he didn't even chase after me once I sent that text, he never replied and he seemed to not really give a rats ass. If he really didn't want me then fine. It was just a mistake. A mistake that still hurt but I pushed to the side daily.  

"Ok then I shall see you all next week" Everyone moved at my boss's final word. I slowly dragged myself up from my seat. Everything recently seemed like such an effort. "Cassie? A word?" I paused as my boss called me across and waited for everyone to leave the room. He sat down and signaled for me to take a seat also. "I don't want to pry Cassie but I get the feeling your not feeling yourself this past week. Want to explain why your work load has dropped by 70%?" I looked blankly back at him. I saw it as too much of an effort to say anything. Maybe the meds I got earlier this week was making me feel like a mindless zombie? Just a few days ago I couldn't cope with the heart ache anymore. I remembered when my Mom felt this way she took anti depressants. Within weeks she felt fine and you would have never known how down she was. "Are you feeling ok? Everything ok at home? Am I working you too hard?" "Yes! I am being worked too hard" I half lied. Yeah the work load was now too much but that never stopped me from doing it before. I was becoming someone I didn't recognize once again. I was lying to my boss but for what reason you ask? "But you know David, if you was to give me a few weeks off paid then I could refresh myself and get my head back in the game" I spoke confidently placing my hand on his thigh. What the hell was I doing?! David's eyes became wide but he cleared his throat while adjusting his tie to compose himself. I removed my hand and sat back smiling at him. "You can have all the time you need. Paid. I didn't know I was working you so hard that you became irrational" I scrunched my nose at him. I thought I was making a pass to get time off. Not making myself look stupid. "Go home, rest up. I'll see you in a week" I nodded getting up leaving my boss dumb founded. I felt sick to my stomach I had just done that then shame that I got away with it too. 

I rushed to grab my bag and coat. As I exited the the building in record time even with my heels and pencil skirt. I didn't walk well in heels on the best of days but today I had to escape before anyone heard of the pass I made at our boss. I could feel my face burning red the more I thought about it. Luckily it was dark so nobody could see. I started my four block walk to my car that I had started to do again from this week. I needed the fresh air, the meds I was taking made me groggy and they hadn't even kicked in yet. The walk was non eventful. Nobody paid any attention to me as I kept to the busy streets this time meaning I walked an actual six blocks to my car in the end. I turned the final corner and saw my car in view. Someone was leaning against it with a hoodie on and jeans. The hood was up so I couldn't quiet see who it was but the height and build made it clear who this man was. "I thought I told you to never park this far from work again" Dean stepped away from my car and turned to face me. His hands in his jean pockets. "Or walk with someone. You never listen to me do you?" As he stepped closer his face become more visible. I stood on the spot as my eyes trailed his face to see the aftermath from Chris's beating one week on. I had to stay strong. I couldn't allow his words to hurt me if he starts. "You stopped throwing your tantrum yet?" Dean winked at me. I scowled at his suggestion. "You was the one sulking Dean. I think the exact words you used we're 'he's welcome to you'" I did my best Dean impression. I thought it was pretty good. Dean wasn't laughing. "Come back to mine and we can talk" I shook my head no. "You think I am going back there when Chloe and Seth will be there? They broke their necks to drop me in it. I'm done! Like I said this is for the best" I paced passed Dean and unlocked my car. I managed to get inside and close the door with out him stopping me but before I could lock the doors he got in the passenger seat.

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