A slap in the dark

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"Your fucking kidding me! He what?!" Chloe shrieked in anger. I told her what had happened. I had to after she let herself in and found me on the floor in a state. "I know your not in a fit state right now but get some rest. Tomorrow Jack is visiting. It was going to be a surprise but I think you should know now. Just to avoid you staying depressed and him hearing about this. Go bed now!" She ordered. I climbed in after stripping down to my underwear. I pulled the covers up to cover me fully and closed my eyes letting myself drift off into a sleep. 

"You mean everything to me" Dean sweetly said as I leaned my face into his hand. So soft and gentle. His eyes we're so sincere. This was all I wanted. A gentle caring person. But my eyes became wide as Dean began to smirk, his eyes turned black and blood started to pour from them. He began to laugh sounding more like a demon. 

I shot up in bed sweating like crazy. My alarm was going off in the background signalling it was Later than I meant to sleep in. It was my back up alarm for 10am. I looked at my phone and saw I had a few miss calls and two texts. The miss calls we're Chloe and Dean, great! And the two texts we're both from Dean. One from last night which read "I am so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I am just so crazy about you I felt hurt when you wouldn't believe me. Please forgive me". The second was this morning and read "Waking up knowing your not in my life anymore is making every day difficult to get through. I can't even get out of bed right now. Please forgive me Cassie". I moaned to myself in annoyance. I rushed to get a shower and get myself sorted. I was happy to be seeing Jack. I hadn't seen him since that night we spent together. I hadn't been with anyone since. I just hoped it wasn't awkward. I finally was sorted and began to make my way to meet Chloe and Jack. I saw them as I walked down the high street talking. As I got closer I noticed Seth was with them. Great! I didn't want Dean knowing anything about me or what I had been doing. No doubt he would question Seth later. "Cassie!" Jack beamed happy rushing towards me. I smiled as he lifter me off my feet in a tight hug. He set me down and looked at me taking my older self in. "Wow you got hot!" He laughed. I blushed and laughed also at his comment. "Right guys lets get going!" Chloe laughed and we began to follow her. We was heading to a Cafe, the whole way me and Jack was chatting catching up. "So I also proposed to her the night before I left, she said yes!" I smiled feeling happy for him. "Awww Jack. She is lucky to have someone so kind hearted like you" we finally got there and sat down. I ordered myself a light breakfast seen as I hadn't eaten yet. I just caught it before they started serving lunch.  The rest of them got coffee. "How long are you here for?" I asked Jack. "I am only passing through. I will be leaving for around five ish" I nodded feeling a bit sad. I missed Jack. "But I promise I will come and visit for longer some time soon" He smiled seeing the sadness in my face. At that I felt myself feel happy again. 

I looked across at Seth to notice he was texting an awful lot and not really saying anything. He looked a bit aggravated. I continued to listen to Jack filling me in on what he has been up to but was paying more attention to their conversation. "What's wrong?" Chloe whispered to him. "He's asking if we wanna meet up at the bar when it opens" Chloe pulled an angry expression. "After what he did last night? I don't think so" I nodded along to what Jack was saying making out I was fully enveloped in his words. "I spoke to him about it. Roman warned him also. He won't lay another finger on her again" She nodded. Why would she be ok with it? After what he did?! He terrified me and not only that he was dangerous. I pretended I didn't hear and decided to forget about him. An hour later the bar was open and we headed over. We was stood at the bar waiting to be served when I saw Dean sat at a table with some girl. They was allover each other. I felt slightly shocked by this sudden situation. He was going on about how crazy he was for me, went as far as he did last night yet had moved on fast. Guess I was just a bit of fun for him, even though it never got that far. We grabbed our drinks and the other's headed to Dean and sat down. I sat on the other side to Dean next to Jack. The girl was allover him, her leg thrown over his thighs as she made out with his neck. Dean smirked as he saw my reaction. Jealousy game huh? Or he just couldn't give a shit. "This is my girlfriend, Marie"Dean introduced. The girl unlatched from his neck and gave a smile and a wave to us all. Chloe looked at my reaction as Dean smirked at me. The girl was really pretty, blonde hair, fake boobs and clothes that left nothing to the imagination. She looked more like his type. I ignored his smirk and continued my conversation with Jack. 

You don't own me (A Dean Ambrose fanfic smut)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora