Josh | Grounded

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Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

You roll your eyes and ignore the small taps.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

You groan and get up from your comfy bed, storming over to your window. You open it and look down to see your best friend Josh smiling up at you.
"Josh? What are you doing?" you giggle. He laughs nervously.
"Errrr... Riding my bike! What does it look like, you doughnut!" he shouts up.
"It looks like you're standing outside my house, trying to smash my bedroom window," you reply sassily.
"Alright, miss sass! Anyway, are you allowed out?"
"I'm grounded, remember?" you shout down.
"Oh, yeah. It was so worth it though!" he smiled. "So, I was going to ask you something when you got down but I'll have to ask you now, in front of the whole street!"
The whole street basically was watching - it was summer and most people were out on their front gardens, sunbathing.
"Y/N Y/L/N, as soon as I saw you fall off the swings when we were 12, I knew you were the one. Then Tobi stumbled off, too. Your big Y/E/C* eyes staring into mine, your Y/H/C** hair blowing in the wind, and your smile that could light up a room. I remember it all, and I don't want to forget any time soon because I am totally, utterly, madly in love with you, and I don't ever want to stop. I LOVE YOU, Y/N Y/L/N!"
You wipe tears from your eyes and sob as he laughs down below.
"I LOVE YOU TOO, JOSH BRADLEY!" you scream out into the street.
He laughs and you run down to the front garden. You run out the door, to Josh, and slam your lips onto his, happy tears falling from both of your eyes. You pull apart.
"I'm in love with you, Josh."
"And I'm in love with you, Y/N. I'll never stop loving you, not even in a million years. Forever and always, baby."

*your eye colour

**your hair colour

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