Josh | Film Day

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You and Josh are bored. He plays with you until you cry with laughter, but you're still bored.

"Wanna watch a film?" Josh asks suddenly.

"Sure," you reply, bending down to choose from his selection of films by the TV in the living room.

After a few minutes of looking, nothing you wanted to watch was there.

"Josh," you groan.

He comes out from the kitchen with Coke dripping from his t-shirt.

You laugh, and he glares. Eventually he joins in, only because he loves seeing you so happy.

"Alright, just take your shirt off."

"Trying to get me to strip already?! It's only seven!"

"Ha. Ha."

He takes his shirt off and you smirk slightly at his toned body.


"Nothing. I can't find a film to watch," you say, changing the subject.

"Lemme look," he says, pulling you up. You sit on the sofa and look through Twitter while he chooses.

He puts a film in the DVD player, but you don't see which one.

"Josh, what did you choose?"

"Saw," he smirks.

"Noooo, I hate scary films," you moan, doing puppy dog eyes and pouting.

"Nope. I'm not going to give in this time," he says defiantly.

You sigh, slumping back down on the sofa.

About 30 minutes in, it gets intense, and you jump into Josh's arms and he pulls you into his bare chest.

"It's alright, it's only a film."

"I know, but it's scary."

You snuggle into his bare chest, ignoring the film, and just stare up at your beautiful boyfriend. You feel his heartbeat, it sending you into a sleepy daze, and the last thing you hear is Josh's voice.

"Sleep, baby."

You feel your eyelids getting heavier, and let them drop, feeling completely at peace.

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