Cuddles | Preference

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ok, the reason I'm doing this again is because I deleted the other one, because let's be honest, it was pretty crappy. hopefully this one's better. vik & ethan's aren't that good, tho.

You wake up to feel kisses on your neck and you smile as you hear a familiar chuckle.
"Ah, so you're finally awake, eh?" Simon says (Hahah get it?) in his husky morning voice.
"Yes, I am.." you mumble sleepily. You turn away from him so he can't kiss your neck.
"Y/N, why are you turning away from me?" he growls playfully.
"Because I'm tiiiiiirrreed," you groan.
He sits up suddenly, and straddles you. He starts to tickle.
"No! Okay, you can kiss my neck, jeez."
He climbs off you, next to you in bed then wraps his arms around you from behind. You feel his lips on your neck once more and giggle slightly. Simon's gentle kisses send you into a peaceful sleep.

You watch as Josh gets up. He grabs a few weights and lifts them for a few minutes. He then starts to do push ups. You giggle, getting an idea. You climb into his back gently and he laughs, falling down on his belly. You laugh.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" He asks.
"I'm sitting on your back," you reply cheekily. He shakes his head. He slowly lifts you up and continues to do push ups, you giggling every now and then because he looks so cute pushing you both up and down.

"Y/N?" you hear from behind you.
"Hmm?" you mumble, waking slightly.
"What's the time? How long have we been asleep?" groans Ethan.
"4:04 am, so we can sleep longer."
You turn and snuggle into Ethan's side as he smiles and kisses your cheek.
"Night, Y/N."
"Night, Eth."

You splashed around in the water with Tobi. You and the sidemen were at the beach.
"Y/N, come and get me!" Tobi shouts. He waddled through the water, trying to run away. You chase after him. He goes under.
"Tobi, seriously? I'm not falling for this. I know you're not drowning," you say, rolling your eyes. You wait. At least 20 seconds pass and you start to panic.
"OK, Tobi, you can come up now," you shout, biting your lip.
"Tobi!" You scream after 30 seconds. "Tobi! Seriously come up!"
He emerges from the water fast, breathing heavily, laughing.
You slap his shoulder.
"Don't you ever do anything like that to me again! I thought you'd drowned," you groan, pouting like a little girl. He chuckles.
"Awe, I'm sorry, baby," he says. He picks you up bridal style and you giggle.
"Tobi, put me down!"
"Not until you give me a kiss," he says, smiling at you.
You look into his eyes and in that moment, it was just you two. In that moment, everything was perfect as you pressed your lips gently against his.

You shot up from the bed and scream. Vik sits up and scrambles to turn on the lamp.
"Y/N? Y/N? It's okay, I'm here," says Vik. He gently touches your shoulder and you flinch.
"It's just me," he whispers. You look at him and melt as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his lap. You sob into his chest, telling him about the horrible nightmare you just had.

The tapping of a keyboard starts to get annoying, and you look up from your phone.
"JJ, come on. It won't matter if the video isn't out for just a few hours more," you say gently. "Your viewers will understand, and plus, you're getting stressed. I can tell."
You walk over to his desk and run your hands across his shoulders and chest, massaging gently. You see them fall slightly.
"But it will. They are expecting it out in 20 minutes. I have to finish it," he says, taking a sip of his RedBull.
"Jide, come on," you say. You pull him from his desk chair and he sighs.
You pull him down onto the bed, and wrap his head into your chest. He giggles as you start to shake your breasts in his face and you laugh. You cuddle for at least another hour before JJ is relaxed and joking with you.

"Harry, you have to do a video!" you shout, chasing him around the apartment on your swegway. He jumps on his and turns to face you, sticking his tongue out.
"What if I don't want to, hmm?" he asks cheekily.
"You'll lose your job then!"
"Oh, really?" he says sassily. He jumps off from his swegway, comes up behind you and lifts you off yours, putting you over his shoulder.
"Harry!" You squeal. He slams you down on the sofa, then wraps his arms and legs around you. You sigh and give up, cuddling into him.

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