Start from the beginning

Chica ran to the Pirate Cove and peeked in.

"Hi Foxy!!! C-C-Check out who's here!? It's our old "matey": Mark!"

Then Foxy burst out of his place and ran towards me, flailing his arms and screaming his jumpscare scream.


Wilford's POV

I had gone to the bathroom and came back, only to find Foxy tackling Mark into a big bearhug while Mark screamed like a little girl. Then he picked him up and started to bounce him up and down, wagging his tail; a clear sign that Mark was really in no harm because he was so happy! happy! happy! to meet him in person. I could hear Chica laughing her head off in the kitchen.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! HE'S KILLING ME!!!!!" Mark screamed.

"Hahaha!....... Ok Foxy! Can you kindly put the little boy down?" I asked him. Foxy slowly put screaming Mark down on his feet. "AAAAAHHH!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!! AAAAHHH--" I went over to him and slapped his face. "Hey stupid-- you can stop now."

That worked. He instantly calmed himself down and took his seat. Foxy took a seat next to him.

"Arrrgg, Matey!! Welcome back to our crew!! You must be starrrrrving!! I-I know I am!!" Foxy patted Mark on the back. Mark just nodded, looking very pale.

"Hey Chica! Is that pizza almost ready!? We're pretty famished!" I called out.

"C-Coming right up!" Chica yelled.

"Hey Foxy! Where's Bonnie?" I asked him.

"He should be right over: just had to take out the trash." Foxy said.


"Who's h-hungry?!" Chica said while bringing our pizzas to our table. (They were mini pizzas). "LET'S EAT!!"

"Thank you Chica! This looks quite scrumptious!" I smiled at her and took a bite.

"Y-yes Chica! Thank you!" Mark said softly.

"Awww!... N-No problem, boys! I made it myself! Straight from the oven!" Chica said.

Mark took a bite out of his. "Mmmmm!!..... This is really good!" he said with his mouth full of pizza. Eww. (Mark! Where are your manners?! :P ~G)

Bonnie came in and sat down with us.

"Hey Mark! Hi Wilf! How are you enjoying yourselves?" he asked us.

"He is still needing to adjust." I pointed my thumb at Mark.

"That's ok...... Hey! Would you like us to put on a show for you?" He asked while heading to the stage.

"Great food and live entertainment?! That would be fantastic!!" I said cheerfully.

"Sure!! I'd love to hear you guys perform!" Mark said.

"Choose a song from our list!" Freddy handed me a colorful list of all their songs (which surprisingly, included the new songs that their fanbase had made. Man, they have updated really well since my last visit!) He also headed to the stage. The rest did the same, and they all started to tune.

"You wanna chose, Mark?" I offered.

"Sure!! Ok, I choose...."

********2 hours, 5 pizzas, 10 drink refills, 4 songs and 2 or 3 bathroom breaks later********

Mark's POV

"--you are a pirate!!" I finished the song with the others. I was up on stage and having such a blast! Wilford was still in his seat, recording everything on my phone. I had my arm around Foxy's shoulders.

"Hahaha!! You certainly are a pirate, mate! Great to have you in me crew!" Foxy said.

"Great to be here!"

Then the clock ranged.

Foxy hanged his head. "Darn! There just ain't enough hours to play." he said sadly.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

Everybody else started to put everything away and go to their places. Foxy gave me a hug went back to his cove.

"Why is this happening? Come on! We were having so much fun! Why is the party over?"

"Alright everyone! We start gaming in 5 minutes! Time to go to your places! Chop chop!" a deep, male voice coming from the entrance of the office hallway called out. It sounded just like me! But that wasn't me: I didn't say anything! I was standing right here, still on stage. Wilford had gone into the kitchen to clean up.

A dark figure stood in front of the hallway.Then he went to the front of the stage, and I saw who that was. He was fully uniformed, and on his golden badge, he had a "G" pulsing a blue and white light. His eyes turned blue, then normal dark brown. I stood there, paralized.

"Face recognition complete:

Heeelllooo Mark!"


O_______O who could THAT be?!?

Oh, hey G---

*GoldEn quickly covers Dark's mouth.*

Shhhh.... Let them guess!

Come on Goldie! They're not that stupid!! Well, not most of who I've met already.

So hey my treasures!! Yes!!! We're at Freddy Fazbear's, and with a special and new character for our story! Yes: ours. I would be really hard to continue if it wasn't for your support, good vibes and feedback. Thank you!

Cut the sappy stuff already!

Why are you so grumpy, Dark?

Isn't it obvious? All that talk about goodness and love: it's really sickening.

.........Hey! Valentine's Day is coming up! Is that why you're like that?

*Dark blushes deep red and hangs his head.*


Do you have a Valentine, Dark?...


Well, I have no one either.........Would you like to be my Valentine, Dark?



I'll...... think this offer through.



So! Guess who that new person is!! SCREAM IT IN THE COMMENTS!!!!!! PUNCH THAT STAR IN THE FACE LIKE A BOSS!!!!!!!! sorry. Hello my name is IDIOT. ;)

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