Permanent Prophecy

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Prologue- What I don’t deserve

We are leaving...and never coming back...the world doesn’t need you, Kid.

We don’t need you.

Liz and Patty have found new meisters, and became their death weapons. The offer was a once in a life time opportunity.

So they left Kid behind in his memories.

Kid opened his golden eyes to find himself sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands.

We don’t need you, Kid.

His eyes filled with tears and he clenched his teeth in anger towards himself.

“Why did they do this to me? After all we have been through....they’d.....” He furrowed his eyebrows. “I’m pathetic...I don’t need them either...” He growled and clenched his fist, tugging his hair, accidentally making it unsymmetrical. But this time, his OCD didn’t kick in. Anger did.

Kid stood up from his bed and screamed, tearing off his curtains and bed sheets and slamming his dresser down to the floor, the mirror shattering once it had made contact.

“I am filth! I should just die!!!”He roared and fell to his knees. “Now everything is room...even me, who is supposed to be one of the most experienced meisters at my father’s academy....without weapons...”

A shard of glass in front of him made a few beeping sounds before the image of Lord Death appeared on the surface, with Stein and Spirit standing at his sides.

“Kiddo...I heard what happened...” His annoying voice sounding depressed, the mask on his face shifting into the features of sympathy.

Kid glared down at him.

“So now you care about me?”He hissed through his teeth, and began to chuckle in disbelief. “After the seventeen years i’ve been on this earth, you finally notice me? I feel so honored, Lord Death....”

Spirit sighed sadly and stared at Kid in concern.

“Kid-Kun, like Maka, you are at an age when you do not understand how much we try to get you to appreciate to have us." 

Lord Death glared at him through his mask.

“Be quiet. You do not wear Kid’s father tag.” He looked back at Kid.”I‘m so sorry, son.”

“Just leave me alone.” Kid stood up and stomped on the glass shard, shattering it so it turned off.

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