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"So it's like that, huh?" Bitch-sensei sighs as she places the cancer stick in between her forefinger and middle finger.

I take a sharp left and walk down the corridor towards the infirmary. I slide the door softly and enter the empty room "Karma?" I called out. It appears someone is accompanying Karma when I hear the chair screech on the floor. Karasuma-sensei pulls the curtains away to show me a sleeping Karma.

"Hime-san, I'll excuse you two from my class. It looks like you have a lot to talk about." He says before taking his leave. I bow in respect.

"Thank you, Karasuma-sensei." I said and he pats my platinum blonde hair twice before leaving.

I bite my lower lip and rub at the spot where karasuma-sensei's hand patted my head. It was the most affectionate thing he has ever done with us; 3-E as a whole. Snapping out of my daze, I make my way on the chair on the right part of Karma's bed. He is shirtless and has a bandaged wrapped tightly across his abdomen. I look at his peaceful face and sigh. I run my left hand through his red hair and smile unconsciously. His hair is really soft to the touch as he stirs in his sleep. "Why can't you stay this peaceful, Karma?" I sigh. "You're such a pain in the ass, don't you know that?"

My left hand leaves his hair to lightly stroke his cheek. To my surprise, he leans against my touch and snuggles my hand. "Hime.." He breathes out. I smile. When we were little, whenever I stroke his hair and cheek, he would relax and lean against my touch, craving for more. It's heart-warming to know that the Karma I know is still alive in him. I stop stroking him to look at the clock hanging on the entrance of the infirmary. Karma stirs from his sleep when I pull my hand away. I sigh and caress his hair. He immediately relaxes and I quietly lean down and kiss his forehead. "I love you, Karma." The words blurt out of my mouth without me realising. When I realised what I've said, I immediately jump away from him and slap my mouth shut. I blush and bite my lower lip. "Thank god no one is here to hear it." I sigh and turn around. I see a pink blob and growl darkly. He is holding his pen and notebook as well.

"Nurufufufu~ it seems like Hime-san has a crush on Karma-kun." He smiles and closes the door.

"GET BACK HERE YOU DAMNED SENSEI!" I shouted and pull out my anti sensei knives that I keep in my blazer pocket. I run out of the infirmary after sensei while throwing the knives. He has a poker face on and that pisses me off even more.

"HIME-SAN! I'll double your homework for running down the corridor!" Koro-sensei shouts, turning over his shoulder. I take this chance to throw a knife and fire my gun. He screams in fright but dodges it with his Mach 20. "That was dangerous!" He reprimands.

"Keep it down, Koro-sensei! This fine woman is trying to teach these brats!" Bitch-sensei slide slammed the door which makes the sign 3-E slightly fall over.

"Come back, Koro-sensei!" I growl and continue throwing the knives. "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO TEACH HISTORY NOW!" I shouted down the hallway only to find that he's gone. Looking to my left, I see him panting outside. Growling, I take out another knife and throw it to him. He quickly dodges it and fan himself with his tentacle.

"Nurufufufu~ is that the best you can do?" He mocks turning yellow with green stripes. How dare he look down on me. "AND HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TEACH WHEN YOU'RE KILLING ME?!" He shouts, turning red. I have an irk mark as well and dash out.

Normal's POV

While all the commotion Koro-sensei and Hime caused in the school, everyone join in the assassination outside; forgetting all the lessons they should be learning. Back in the building, a certain red haired male is smiling on the infirmary bed with his arm covering the upper half of his face.

"I'll make them regret drugging me."


I don't own any of this except for the plot and Hime Sakuragi.

Until next time,

Sophie Ralph

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