Chapter 5: I'm Just a Kid

Start from the beginning

“How many videos are there?” I asked with a less than steady voice. Phil’s eyes moved up to me sadly.

“There are only two, the original and then that one.” Dan replied. My stomach dropped when I realized that videos can be downloaded and then reloaded, this is going to become so much worse than just this. And the magazines. Oh Jesus Christ what have I done?! I’m so screwed.

“It’s okay, Peasnie. We’re going to fix this.” Phil encouraged happily trying to make me feel better but it was going to take alot more than that to make me feel better.

“Yeah, we’ll find out who made that video and get it back or we’ll say that, that’s not you but a look-a-like.” Dan’s ideas made me feel a little bit better. Phil agreed happily and kissed my shoulder lightly, reassuringly.

“No, it’s fine I’m going to take responsibility for my actions.” I said softly. I know that’s the only way to get past this without there being a huge blow out in the fandom. It’s going to get messy if I don’t try and clean it up.

I stood straight up and marched back to the bedroom. I picked my phone up off its charger and opened my messages. Most of them were asking me what happened last night, why was I acting so out of control, how much did I have to drink. They weren’t mad or upset but they were worried. My Uncles were a bit more assertive with their concern by telling me that we’ll be talking about this when they come to London in December. Kier was just worried I was having too much fun. But as soon as I got down to my dad’s thirty-six texts I knew I was in trouble.

Instead of texting him back after I read all of the messages I called him. It was a little bit after eleven at night there so I figured he’s still awake worrying about me like usual. The house phone rang once . . . . twice . . . . . three times.

“Hello?” Bailey answered softly. It was nice to talk to Bailey before my dad. Bailey’s like my mom, she’s been in my life since I was one so for the last seventeen year she’s been my mom and I let her know that she’s like my mom by calling her mommy. Yes I know that my birth mom was apart of my life a little bit but she wasn’t there solidly like Bailey was. I do still respect my birth mom and I love her but only as a birth mother not as a real mom.

“Hey mom, it’s me.” I replied with a light voice even though I was terrified.

“Oh hey kiddo, I see you had a fun night. How bad is the hang over?” She asked only as a mother would ask. I grinned slightly and sat down on the edge of the bed.

“I don’t actually have one and yeah, I had fun last night although I’m less than happy about what I found when I woke up.”  I said honestly, sighing heavily.

“I take it you didn’t call to just talk to me.” She said slightly out of breath that let me know she was moving around, probably taking the phone to which ever room my dad was in. I asked her about the twins, seeing how they were and how they were treating her. She said it’s exhausting to have even one of them but when you have two it’s like having two kids to sit down for dinner, one wants chocolate milk while the other wants apple juice, one wants sweet food while the other wants spicy food. It kinda made me glad that I’m not having kids until a little later in life. I’m going to make sure I’m married and stable enough to have kids.

“Jimmy, phone.” Bailey said walking into a room, probably my old room that they’re turning into a nursery. There was shuffling going on and then a door shut again.

“Hello?” He said with a strong voice. My stomach dropped and my heart was hammering inside my chest.

“Hey dad.” I said shyly. I heard something hit the floor with a thump and a heavy sigh.

“Hi Peasnie.” He sounded tired, I don’t blame him. I bit my lip hard and waited for him to go off at me. He wants too, I know he does. And the fact that he’s waiting is killing me.

“Dad, just do it. Get it over with, I know you’re pissed.” I said impatiently. I was so nervous my knees were shaking violently even though I was sitting down on the bed.

“Yeah, you’re right I’m pissed off that you’d get that careless. I’m pissed that you’d get that drunk. How could you be so careless?!” He shouted into the phone at me. I felt my heart drop knowing that I deserve this. I was out of control last night and now I’m paying for that.

“I’m sorry, I had a few too many drinks and I lost control. I promise it won’t happen again.” I said solemnly. I kept my eyes down at my feet as if my dad were actually standing in front of me scolding me like a stupid child.

“It’s okay kiddo, don’t worry about it. I know I’ve had my fair share of a few too many and then had to pay the consequences later. I’m gonna get that video don’t you worry.” He said kindly. That wasn’t going to happen, who knows how many people have copied it and are planning on posting it again?

“Don’t worry about it dad, I’m just going to make an apology for my actions and move on.” I said sullenly, trying to be the adult and make the right choices. There was no way to get that video and there is no way to say it was a look-a-like because people know my face too well. I was just hoping people wouldn’t go as far as videoing me while I was intoxicated.

“Alright, if you need me to help you clean this up then just say so.” He said to me calmly. I was surprised that he didn’t keep yelling and screaming at me about how irresponsible I was. I guess he’s stopped treating me like a baby and began treating me like a mature adult that does make mistakes and is willing to clean up her own messes. 

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