Chapter 3: The Prophecy

Start from the beginning

"What?? I..." Sworgey sighed, he knew he couldn't retaliate anymore. "Tell me Zur, what is the prophecy?" Zur looked at Sworgey. He looked down, staring into the planked wooden floor. He stared at it for some time before looking back up at Sworgey with a face that spread pure enlightenment to whoever it was looked to.

"The one who would save his people from the darkness, will one day save Ordarn from it." There was a silence as Sworgey tried understanding what Zur just said. He took a few moments to consider what to say next. Finally he figured out what to say.

"What is the darkness?" Sworgey asked as calmly as possible

"The lifeless." Zur's voice sounded cold. Suddenly, however, he sprung back to his normal self and vibrantly said to Sworgey "So, if you don't want to die, let's go!" Zur started heading towards the door when Sworgey stopped him, he had one last question.

"Why exactly do we need to leave now?"

"Keep up." Zur breathed in and started talking at an extremely fast speed. "Queen Kierin thought you had heard too much so he told Brenun to send out knights to kill you. After some persuasion she changed her mind, so good news, your not going to die!"

"Oh thank god, wait a minute... If I'm not going to die then why are we running away?" Sworgey seemed very curious and was also slightly suspicious about Zur's nervous look.

"Well, her mind changed to having you locked up for the rest of your life." Sworgey took a step back and seemed suprised.

"Great, so I won't die, not yet, but I'm going to get locked up! For life! I'll die there! What am I going to do! I'm going to dieeeeee!" Sworgey held the E on the die until Zur grabbed Sworgey's hand with force and whispered to him.

"That's why we're running away, now come on!" On that, Sworgey and Zur instantly left the house, banging the door behind them."There are a couple of horses I've managed to get my hands on behind that house." He pointed towards the lone house, which was abandoned, at the end of the pathway. "Let's move!" They ran for a few seconds before Sworgey stopped.

"Wait, what about your golem, Roh. He's a bit too big to fit onto a horse. Right?"

"Don't worry Sworgey, he is in the golem stone, which means there might be a few body shaped rocks in your house." Zur had a bit of nervous laugh but after seeing Sworgey's unamused face, he decided to stop. The golem stone shone in the setting sun, the blue glow obliterating any darkness around then.

It was almost sunset as the dusk sky darkened to bring the night. Sworgey and Zur reached the old abandoned building, the wood was peeling of the walls and there was moss growing by the windows. There were still blackened scorch marks from the time a fire broke out in the house which caused it to abandoned in the first place. They ran around the back where there were 2 stunning horses. One of them was a light shade of brown and the other one was a golden white colour, it was a colour Sworgey had never seen before, it was beautiful. 

Zur pointed at the brown horse "This is Methar, he rides like the wind, great in a fight, and could hold almost anything you put on him, he will be your stead Sworgey." Zur turned to the golden-white horse. "She is Sulin, a gift from the Forest Elves to me, she rides like the wind." Sworgey was amazed by both horses but before he could say anything Zur told him to get his armour onto the horse and to get his belt on. He encased his sword inside his sheathe and attached it to his belt. After placing a few more things on his body he mounted one of them. Zur mounted his horse and they both turned around and set off past the building.

Together, they rode out of Castledawn, as the last light of the sun, turned to darkness.


"What! Sworgey wasn't at his damned home?" Queen Kierin spoke with furry to Brenun as she banged her fists on her oak desk that held old books about myths, legends and other stories.

"My queen, I'm afraid he wasn't." Brenun braced himself for more rage from the queen. He tried not looking directly at her, instead he looked at the bookcase behind or would randomly stare out of the arch window at the side of the room.

"Well then, you useless idiot, tell me, WHERE IS HE?!"The queen shouted with furry, it was clear she was extremely angry about the events of the day. Brenun began stuttering in fear, trying to get some sort of answer to reply the queen with.

"I...I...I don't know, however, I may know why he has gone." Brenun paused for a second wondering if Kierin would reply but after she kept her mouth shut, he continued. "Zur wasn't at my office by sunset, and knowing his defiance I the council..." Brenun's voice trailed off as Kierin started putting the event together.

"That old fool helped him escape."

"Yes, my queen... We believe this may be true. Shall we send knights to nearby towns?"

"No, Sworgey and Zur are now exiled from the lands of the Endritch Empire and they shan't ever return, for if they do, they are nothing. No one would know them. They would be ghosts in our Empire, soon enough they would want help, write it in news papers of their exiles. They shall not get help from the Endritch Empire ever again." Brenun found that hard to take in, he would have to make their exiles official. Both Sworgey and Zur's friends would be there and they wouldn't take the news so well. But he has no choice, any thoughts of retaliation had ceased to exist.

"As you wish, but let me warn you in all due respect, a mistake like this could cause a revolution." And with that, Brenun turned around and slowly walked towards the door, hoping Kierin would stop him. But as he took his first step out of the door, he realised, she never would.

A few minutes passed as Kierin sat alone in her office, she remembering everything that had happened it the past few days, it stressed her, angered her. She felt betrayed, exploited, disgusted. She had to let her anger out. In a sudden moment she roared in anger, sweeping the books of the desk with her hands. She stood up from her chair pushing it so it would tip over on it's back. She charged towards her bookcase and rammed it, kicked it, punched it. She did anything to try and let out the anger. Eventually, she stopped, fell to the floor beside the damaged bookcase, books were lying all over, some seemed not to have been touched at all whilst others bore damage that made them unreadable. So the Queen sat their, whilst through her window in the far distance, 2 men on stead, a knight and a mage, rode off unto the darkness of the night.

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